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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Hmm... still the unions fault. Don’t Worry, Hostess’ Top Executives Still Got Richer As Company Collapsed http://gawker.com/5961444/dont-worry-hostess-top-executives-still-got-richer-as-company-collapsed
  2. That reporter was horribly fishing for the anti-union sentiment. She almost should've just came out and told the CEO to say "It's the union's fault". But I like how when something goes wrong "there's plenty of blame to go around", but when things go right its because the CEO and leadership was great despite the union (the people that actually MAKE the product).
  3. Yep, unions to blame https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hostess_Brands#Bankruptcy_and_liquidation_.282012.29 How much would you bend until you break? So, it couldn't compete in 2004 and yet, here we are in 2012 and it's the unions fault, after they made concessions back then for company equity because they believed it was worth it. The company also had the opportunity to sell itself to Bimbo and Yucaipa, but no. So there's the "fool me once"... There's "fool me twice" "Alright, we're trying to work with you here, we'll take a pay and benefit cut if you can at least guarantee the pension you've promised us" Hmm... 92% of members rejected it. 92%. One might surmise there's some reason why an overwhelming majority said no... because 92% of the unionized workforce (over 5000 employees) are all lazy greedy scum? Not like the CEO with the $1.5M compensation package and other execs with the 80% raise... right? They all deserve it because they ran the company into bankruptcy, AGAIN. And that brings us to today...Blame the unions all you want because it's their fault the CEOs signed up for contract they couldn't make good on... even after the unions tried to work with them and made concessions, only to find out the execs gave themselves raises on the way out the door... likely knowing the whole time that the company was nose-diving. They grabbed theirs while the getting was good and then left the unions holding the bag. Shame on those unions for wanting what's due to them. Like I said, I only hope the banks would work with people who can't make their mortgages as much as the unions tried to... but I'm not holding my breath.
  4. I'm still of the opinion that if you were asked to take a wage cut when you knew the upper mgmt wasn't willing to take the same and in fact increased their wages, I would rather force the business into liquidation than to sit there and take it from upper mgmt. Yea, I'll take my unemployment and find a different job in the interim, but I sure as hell aren't going to make life easy for the management who agreed to the contract in the first place. Just like the bank doesn't care if I get laid off or business if bad (assuming I'm self-employed), my contract w/ them still says I owe them mortgage each month. If the CEOs agreed to the union contract, then they should be obligated to pay... and if that means increasing the price of Twinkies to $5 a box instead of $4/box then that's what it takes... it's a failure on mgmts part to agree to the contract and not see the market would not bear $5/box for Twinkies. But, that's fine... blame the union workers, scapegoat them for not working with management... just like how you blame the bank for not working with homeowners when they can't pay their mortgage. Oh wait, no, it's still the little guys fault for entering an agreement where he should've known it was unsustainable. It's ALWAYS the little guys' fault for not working with the "job creators" / fatcats.
  5. http://www.sacbee.com/2012/11/15/4988697/hostess-in-current-condition-because.html It's one thing to ask the peons to accept current wages and benefits, it's another to reduce them when they're already working for peanuts. You can read more about the mismanagement and other financial troubles Hostess has had on your own, but capitalism works since people have apparently decided that Twinkies cost too much and therefore need to cease their existence under the Hostess brand. It's fine line to make the Hostess and GM/Chrsyler analogy because the situations are different and affect a vastly different amount of people, but Hostess is doing the exact same thing GM and Chrysler would've had to've done, given the Chap 11 Bankruptcy they're filing -- it'll be a reorg with a judge deciding whether or not they still have to honor the union contract...
  6. Am I trolling? Or do I really know a n00b cop in Columbus? Here fishy fishy fishy...
  7. Rick Perry Won’t Join Petitioners Calling for Texas to Secede, Says Union is Fine As Is http://gawker.com/5960133/rick-perry-wont-join-petitioners-calling-for-texas-to-secede-says-union-is-fine-as-is A more worthwhile petition... (since minimally effective is >> 0%) Nearly Half a Million Sign Petition Urging Macy’s to ‘Dump Donald Trump’ http://gawker.com/5960081/nearly-half-a-million-sign-petition-urging-macys-to-dump-donald-trump
  8. Your triangle would have 'sassy' in one of the corners. It applies to women since I am the observer and commentator. Furthermore, unless you are Derek Zoolander, how often is the colloquial term "good looking" applied to men, sassy britches?
  9. There's a reason that triangle is drawn with "Emotionally Stable" and "Good Looking" as the foundation. Besides it's a trick... when have you seen a woman with intelligence? (Sorry if I offended any of the women, but I haven't seen an oven w/ wifi yet, so wtf r u doing outside the kitchen? Love you ladies. :* )
  10. You can people watch at home... Preferably on brazzers
  11. But at least this thread is in the right section.
  12. The same people that wait in line to save $200 on a one time purchase are often the same people that spend $150/mo on Starbucks (or fill in the blank with whatever other wasteful spending you want). These are the people that order the Big Mac value meal with a DIET soda.
  13. Halo, you must lover alot.
  14. That's sooooo weird. Because it's like the same thing for me when I talk to Republicans. Except instead of their "union" it's their church or pastor, or they insist because one candidate says the words "small business" more than the other one, that candidate must be better, since he's using the right buzzwords. Mathematics, facts, and policies be damned!
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