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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. It's cool and all because it's gobs of power and it's different, but really isn't an optimal application. Kinda of like the MTT bike... sweet, but it's never going to outlap a Ducati.
  2. And it begins... http://hellforleathermagazine.com/2010/12/2011-kawasaki-zx-10r-recall/
  3. I'll watch the episode when that 'Mama Grizzly' really meets a mama grizzly.
  4. If it's ok for a woman to spend more than 10 mins modifying her appearance then it should be ok for men to 'modify' their finances and career on the date in order to have a better chance 'to remember us by' after we pork you and don't call you ever again. Why yes, I AM a doctor, with a boat, and a condo at Lake Tahoe.
  5. ^----- and that's pretty much what the article says. It's getting ever closer to 'prime time'
  6. This Navy Electric Railgun Annihilates Targets 100 Miles Away In Six Minutes I loosely post this in the 'firearms' section because this really doesn't have any 'fire' involved. There is a video of the beast in the link. All your weapons are belong to us. :bow:
  7. I would start scheduling f*(k buddy sessions with dirty whores during the two hours your bottom b*tch is getting ready.
  8. You can't. You must choose to leave one forever. ORDN or Facebook? Choose wisely.
  9. I think it's fair that people proportionally pay according to the wealth they're trying to protect. They wouldn't have what they have unless the gov't defended it for them, no? Unless you think there should be more Blackwater-types? With no accountability to anyone. In other news: NYC Proposes "Accident Tax"
  10. I work under the assumption that everyone is evil. I just like having the option to pick and choose every so often when it comes to the gov't.
  11. You don't think the gov't had any effect on the fact that you averaged 40 jobs added over 8 years, vs 20 over the last 2 years? Nothing at all? I mean, the gov't affects your suppliers and customers too, giving them more proclivity to buy or sell you their goods/services as well.
  12. I was jussayin' according to the thread... it's their fault. I'll pass on a $58,000 HI-UN-DAY
  13. That's interesting, Strickland and Obama were in their offices the last two years. How many jobs were added from 2001-2008?
  14. But not by Scottie, so it's different.
  15. It's understandable. I wouldn't want all those millionaire first responders to double-dip with tax cuts AND health care.
  16. I'm kinda excited about this - not gonna lie. The bike is an ugly mother, but function > form. 232 HP electric superbike to race gasoline motorcycles http://hellforleathermagazine.com/2010/12/232hp-electric-superbike-to-race-gasoline-motorcycles/ Even more impressive is the interview with Chip Yates. Chip Yates on putting electric motorcycle’s money where their mouth is http://hellforleathermagazine.com/2010/12/chip-yates-on-putting-electric-motorcycle%E2%80%99s-money-where-their-mouth-is/ A little snippet from the article I thought was awesome
  17. I read that part, thats still little difference than what this Japanese automakers do... many of their parts come from Japanese suppliers (though because of their mfg setup, many of those suppliers relocate to the automaker "campus"). How's that different from getting parts from China? They can't ship a fully assembled windmill, so it'll be in pieces (like car parts) and assembled here by Americans to a complete assembly. This will also add business to the logistics companies who have to move all this stuff - more income for Americans and American companies. I'm not saying I wouldn't rather have AMERICANS build these, but it's no different from what's already going on, so why the Democrat hate? If the ignorant congresspeople would've mandated TARP funds only go to Americans, this wouldn't be an issue. Maybe there was a reason it wasn't written that way? We should answer that question first. Where's all the "free market" people now? How come they aren't clamoring to support this? The incentives were there for American capitalists to step up and get these incentives too - right? So, the free market won out. China lobbied for it and won the bid. Making it only available to Americans wouldn't be free market. You're going to decry the gov't (and Democrats in particular in this instance) because they're letting the market dictate who builds the windmills? When so many on here b*tch about "socialism"? That doesn't seem equitable. The Chinese must have a better business model than anything an American could come up with so... they win moniez. And once again, the $450M is really a drop in the bucket compared to the entire ~$800B package - less than 0.1% So, put that in perspective. Hell, the same people that lambasted the bailout and are anti-tax and spend, anti-earmarks, anti-waste (tea partiers) just asked the gov't for $1B worth of earmarks themselves. Hypocrites. Doesn't matter why those towns exist... Honda does the SAME thing this Chinese company is doing. Just because they're "established" now doesn't mean they won't up and leave tomorrow for a better place that'll give them more tax breaks. Marysville, the city of, has to ensure they give Honda ongoing incentives, enough to keep them from moving because the city is SO dependent on them. So yes, they get lumped in as well. Indirectly, yes. The lack of taxing what other manufacturing corporations pay has, in effect, cost America tax revenue and thereby financed your vehicle. And as I stated earlier, just because this money is going to China doesn't mean it doesn't stimulate the US economy (to what level is debatable). There will be construction jobs and logistics carriers chomping at the bit to build and transport this stuff here. Plus, there will have to be US-based maintenance for these, which are ongoing and permanent positions. I'm not, nor was I, labeling you -- I'm just saying hating on the Democrats in this case is a scapegoat move for something that is clearly not a "Democrat-only" cause for concern.
  18. Just stating the obvious. And not ALL of them, but a lot.
  19. I don't understand why it's a big deal other than showing the Democrats do the same things Republicans have always been doing. I hope you just put the thread title in to troll some of the more free-thinkers on here into discussing a this because many of the more conservative people on here own foreign vehicles they claim are built in red states that court overseas companies through massive TAX cuts and incentives that total as much or more than $450M. Don't you own a Toyota, Ben? Toyota, Honda, Nissan - money goes overseas, but jobs created in the US. Chinese energy firm - same But, it's the EVIL EVIL Democrats that are selling out. Got it.
  20. Gotta watch them AWD cars when you tune them though... [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqqe2wR4D2A&feature=player_embedded[/ame]
  21. I can't find the link to the big screen now' date=' but here's some where you get the general gist. To be fair though, I suppose a lot of these items are on the kids' wishlists (I dunno if the form they fill out says "Go ahead, shoot for the moon"). I have mixed feelings about stuff like this. Some are due to unfortunate events, but others I can't help but think the people are responsible for putting themselves in those positions (with all those kids) -- not the kids' fault their parent(s) are irresponsible. Either way, all the stories are typically sad and tragic. [url']http://www.mansfieldnewsjournal.com/article/20101128/NEWS01/11280327/Brighten-a-Christmas-Case-No-4-Mom-trying-to-take-care-of-3-kids Of course, the rest of society doesn't get credit for being responsible. The rest are told to count our blessings and to feel some shame that they're more successful than the less fortunate. And that guilt/shame for taking responsibility for your own path through life -- bothers me. It reminds me of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjDujNjULf4 "Pardon me MR PERFECT! I forgot you never make mistakes" -- It's that thinking bothers me a little bit. Shame the others for mistakes you've made.
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