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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Keep your motorcycle off the PUBLIC roads.
  2. Technically, this is a , but the original thread had a 'not so easy to remember and be searchable' title. You might have to wait on the OP to come in here and lay claim.
  3. Says the guy who stirs the pot more than me. 44 Political Threads http://www.ohio-riders.com/search.php?searchid=932504 If the pots already on the kettle, I'm gonna stir.
  4. I know I've never offered to do that to ride bitch.
  5. Look who crawled out from under their trackday rock... My offer still stands - don't start 'em and I won't comment on them. That goes for political jabs in other threads too. I want to hear everyone elses political opinions about as much as you want to hear mine. I guess the difference is, I can handle when someone disagrees with me. I might think they're ignorant if they have no valid reason for thinking that way or if I have evidence to the contrary, but that doesn't make me think they're bad people or I'm too good to hang out and have a good time w/ them. I can separate the two. I guess I need to pick up some of "liberal elite" attitude people keep talking about until I start feeling too smug to hang out on this site.
  6. I'll make the same deal I always have, don't start 'em, and I won't post in 'em. Out of all the political threads, I've started 13 of those 346 or about 4% of them.
  7. Who, specifically, is interesting to you? Since, I'm already apparently on your block list because you couldn't handle some other political debates and ribbing on here -- ya know, speaking of empathy, tolerance, and understanding. How'd you vote? Oh wait, you can't read this.
  8. Perhaps, I gotta get my free beer (and kick in the groin) from Casper. But you never know with my schedule... I might be busy trying to turn Cleveland Pinko Commie Red with my liberal views.
  9. Yea. Social programs don't make things any less "free" -- you're still free to speak your mind, free to engage in commerce, etc. Just because there are some rules and structure to that doesn't make it any less free. Like you said, Medicare, SS, etc... that haven't always existed -- but we have them now for a reason, and people benefiting from those programs really don't want to give them up.
  10. Problem is.. that's idealistic thinking, not realist. It stops short of playing out the full scenario of what to do with a bunch of homeless elderly on the street. People will come with their sob stories, and the gov't will be forced to do something about it because the costs of the problems will start outweighing the costs of just giving the people money to GTFO. So, it's more economical to force people (who are generally fiscally irresponsible, as noted by household income/spending/saving trends) to pay up front for services (SS, Medicare, etc) that they may or may not receive in the future - penalizing everyone, including the ones who are responsible, for the greater good.
  11. I'd be on board with this... but I'd want some stipulation in there that if you played the privatization game and lost... you CAN'T enroll in the social programs after all your money is gone. Grandma and Pop-pop have to live on the streets, poor and homeless unless their family wants to take them in. But the family that takes them in shouldn't get any gov't help either. You roll the dice and get burned, "we" shouldn't bail you out. Go to charity.
  12. No. You should block everyone who views don't match yours. That's the only way you can shelter yourself from the real world so you can keep living in the sheltered world YOU want to live in.
  13. I'd rep you for correcting me, but I have to spread it around.
  14. Ummm, so... how did Bush get to his ranch from WashDC? Obama "flys off somewhere on our dime", and Bush thought so much of America he leased Air Force One and filled it up with JP1 on his own dime when he was in office? :wtf: Do you read what you type?
  15. No, I think his predecessor GOT sucked. Don't hate.
  16. Speaking of psycho stuff...Someone needs to 'shop Palin in there.
  17. Your bear paw is HUGE.

  18. Man, I posted a lot of good information, forgot about some of that historical stuff.
  19. Please do stay and chat awhile - enhance the collective intelligence.

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