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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I can see Canada from my house dontchaknow.
  2. I'm out, but have fun. Ride safe.
  3. I'm all for this behavior. Unless it's my daughter, then we need to SHUT THIS SH*T DOWN!
  4. The prepaid legal or the Fisher Price toy?
  5. This is probably better than a radar detector. https://www.prepaidlegal.com/newCorp2/legal_plans/legal_plans.html The chances of you preventing a ticket are slim to none, cops are wise to the ways of the speeding and radar detector -- this isn't exactly cutting edge rocket science. And, with the new ruling in Ohio -- cops can bust you just by "visual estimation" of your speed. Total BS, but that's the way it is at this point. So unless you jam the radar and have one of those MiB memory erasers a radar is an expensive equivalent of one of these "Ohh! Look at the flashing lights"
  6. Not as funny as the Punching Obama in the balls one from the daily show, but here is another political attack ad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLfbtduLaho&feature=player_embedded
  7. It's not much of a reminder if you post it on THE DAY OF. Either way, if your chick gets upset about not getting something -- you should probably leave her fantasy world and get yourself a real chick.
  8. That's actually a pretty clever rap if you catch all the references. I <3 smart chicks.
  9. I could walk to work if I HAD to. Not only does living so close save on gas, but I get to spend more time doing what I want in the evenings (working out, or eating food, or quality time with the g/f) + I can wake up at 7:45 and still be into work by 8AM It's going to suck if I ever have to live more than 10mins away. I'm spoiled.
  10. South African cops dont' put up with that sh*t.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kRa3K3ZqAw Also --- this cop wasn't so lucky (and he's local) Avon police officer downgraded to critical condition following surgery Riding his police Harley and an F150 pulled out in front of him.
  11. This is a motorcycle website not a car website. Quit bumping this thread because it keeps appearing on the first page.
  12. I didn't even read the comments, but yes you are correct -- that IS NOT me. Though it does look like something I'd say, and I was paddled as a kid -- never by the school, just my parents.
  13. Whilst I was BSing with them afterwards - I really didn't have hard feelings toward the cops themselves since they were "doing their job"; the assistant prosecutor, OTOH, is a different story. ...The officer was proud to state he's 100% on showing up, with 100% conviction rate. The ground officer was almost 100% as well, but he lost a case when a woman had a witness that said a cat jumped in the road and caused her to swerve.
  14. Experience, and actually talking to the pilot after court. Why did you say he'd fly instead?
  15. Francis Hajosy Charged With Sexual Assault for Spanking Disruptive Girl in Class http://www.truecrimereport.com/2010/10/francis_hajosy_charged_with_se.php
  16. Zombies! But seriously, I was thinking about doing a Cincy Zoo + Newport Aquarium trip. Any tips? I heard the cincy zoo area wasn't the best neighborhood to leave a new car...
  17. WTF!? Curves? You didn't say anything about curves. Bias plys, FTW...I mean L!
  18. My GN isn't ready for your shenanigans.
  19. I challenge everyone in this thread at all aspects of life (at least until jbot posts) I am better than you because I have machines that go faster than yours when I'm in them.
  20. Yea, but not through the median, which is how I got busted about 9 years ago. They'll at least have to travel a mile or so in the opposite direction I'm traveling -- buying me lots of time for decision-making. Assuming the cop is working alone...
  21. This was the first thing I thought, then I thought I'm happy it was there to keep the idiots from crossing the median into my lane. Protecting me from everyone else.
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