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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Yea -- Switzers is still on Rt. 20 in Oberlin. http://www.switzerperformanceinnovation.com/ Listed Address: 45300 US HWY 20 OBERLIN OH 44074
  2. Hmm, I usually don't get asked what I'd do -- that threw me off. I don't know what the exact solution is... I can just throw some options out along with the pros/cons. 1) Legalize drugs - Pros, simple legislation and takes the economic wind out of all the sales from the cartels. Cons, there are a lot of other problems associated with drug use that the country would have to bear; and I don't exactly think a bunch of heroin and coke Qwik-E-Marts are going spring up automatically, it'll just turn the cartel into a strongarm mafia. 2) Secure just our borders - Call in the Feds, get big guns, big dogs, electrified barb wire, no one goes in and no one goes out, economically sanction Mexico. Pros, problem goes away. Cons, just about everything else, we'd basically be shooting ourselves in the foot by restricting trade/travel to and from Mexico. I personally know a lot of people that cross the border everyday to work there and supply/manufacture parts for us. Our economy would free fall, AND we'd have to pay for the electric fence and guns. 3) Let the problem solve itself. I don't really know where this would go, I mean, time has a way of figuring things out for itself. Pros, status quo -- people resist change anyway, so easy to implement. Cons, situation could get worse before it gets better, or it could never get better? I'll need to think about it some more, since the optimal solution would balance economics with Constitutionality, due process / habeas corpus, human rights, and satisfy the ethical and moral dilemmas of security and privacy. Basically, something cheap and effective that wouldn't resort to us trampling on our own Constitution -- we still have to take the high ground or we're hypocrites. Hypocrites aren't respected.
  3. How do you go from gunning someone down for crossing our borders ------> nuclear terrorism? Not that I can speak from experience, but I think the only thing worse than second guessing if you should have killed someone is second guessing if you shouldn't have.
  4. ...And another one bites the dust...
  5. Yea, that answers all the questions. I can totally see how you got that out of my post.
  6. I read that story the other day... it didn't give me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. I read it from here: http://dogblog.dogster.com/2010/10/12/euthanized-dog-wakes-up/
  7. The FedGov is always overstepping it's bounds, right? But this is different because the state is asking for help? Sounds like AZ should tax their citizens more and buy more guns, bigger guns, with that increased tax revenue. As an Ohioan, why do I care about Arizona's problems? Sending NYPD to Afghanistan is not equivalent to this scenario, I didn't suggest sending anyone OUT of this country to fight the drug cartels. How do you "confirm" they're smugglers? They're "suspected" or "alleged" smugglers until convicted in a court of law are they not? And what exactly are we defending? Drugs aren't terrorism -- why not legalize them and take all the power from the cartels? As always, this post was made "for entertainment purposes only".
  8. I just read your link... why can't Arizona handle it? States rights and all that jazz. And how do you propose we stop this? Shoot on sight? If you see a group of drug smugglers armed to the hilt -- do you go ahead, make the assumption they are drug smugglers and start sniping without justification? Or do you attempt to apprehend a group of armed men who probably won't go quietly? I'm just throwin' all this out there for entertainment purposes, btw.
  9. I don't understand why it's our problem to clean up? Why throw US resources at this? Why is the solution to have OUR Armed Forces deal with it? People decry NATO saying it's dumb and we shouldn't be the world police, then turn around and say the solution is to declare war on something that knows no geographic bounds and use our resources to deal with it. What am I missing here?
  10. If you really get in a pinch, there's a shop right down the road from me that tunes 1000hp Nissan GT-Rs and do a lot of dyno runs. Maybe they'd let you plug it in for a few pulls?
  11. I have an idea what this is and will be used for, and being a privacy advocate -- I don't want to help you. My friends that frequent Nelsons in their Miatas, OTOH... I assume it has to be OBDII compliant though, not OBDI.
  12. Interesting. Never knew the kid though. Buddy of yours?

  13. Officer Hartge (pronounced Hart-Kee) -- and yes, he's a good dude.
  14. Gang-sign arthritis sweeps LA http://www.thepoke.co.uk/index.php/2010/10/06/gang-sign-arthritis-sweeps-la/ And they're STUCK like that!
  15. That's why my seat was sticky. I wasn't even on the busa proper when I got mine. Must've known by the smell.
  16. No. Been there, done that, this year. Minor error won't get you off. The pilot will show up in court and testify he had a visual sight on you the entire time and ground officer was told to pull you over. Pilot isn't required to identify the vehicle, just that the ground officer stopped the appropriate person. 2 vs 1, you'll get your ass handed to you.
  17. Why does that make me giggle and picture 7 fat guys around a table eating tacos and straped with WWII era Lugers?No, it's more like the Boondock Saints with mustaches, bolo ties, serapes, and sombreros.
  18. None of the above happened within US jurisdictional borders. As much of a concern as it is...not really much we can do Travel at your own risk? The Zetas are not to be messed with and the cartels are strapped, with guns and money. The war on drugs continues to fail.
  19. 24 passes!?! Wow. 11.0's isn't too shabby on a 600. I still say the people the run 42 have some balls -- it ain't the nicest facility.
  20. IE is a good browser for those that ride cruisers. FF drags knee.
  21. ORDN is meant to be experienced RAW.
  22. Kawikid put that there blackmailing me for rep... Funny thing was, I already gave him rep before he tried extorting it and I can't give him anymore until I spread it around.
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