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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Don't worry. Pregnant chicks can't fight worth shit.
  2. ... unless someone shows up on a 'busa. Then you won't be doing ANY passing.
  3. I don't think that specific squid will be there (black kid w/ the furry seat, right?). Last I spoke with him, his bike may be owned by the State of Ohio now. Decent kid, but definitely squiddly.
  4. I didn't notice you -- you people all look the same. But seriously, my bad. We met at the McD's off Rt 2. Hell, you even beat Kevin there... it's slowly coming back to me.
  5. I should be there on the 15th too. Look for these cars...
  6. Wrillo's Preggers! /facepalm on the rest of you.... http://www.ohio-riders.com/member.php?u=4096
  7. Saw this posted up on CL. I did this last year with r1crusher (and I think Uncle Punk was there too? I don't remember), but probably won't make it this year because I'm busy with other plans, but thought I'd post it up for any other NEO'ers interested. It's an alright ride, nothing spectacular - and there are bound to be a few squids, but $5 for some hot dogs, a T-shirt, and a ride with a bunch of people. http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/1735019438.html http://www.ontheedgehonda-suzuki.com/
  8. What am I going to do all afternoon then?? Today has been rather slow.
  9. Guess that would depend on what you think was efficient and effective. If public school is strictly for kids to learn academics? Maybe they're just supposed to learn societal norms? Maybe a combination? Maybe they're there to observe cause and effect, interact with others? Either way, if you want to churn out cogs from a machine, there are more economical ways to do it than just implementing a dress code. I don't know why we'd pay these public school administrators to "administer" stuff just because it's easier. I'm glad our legislation and justice system isn't setup that way.
  10. Kinda of like how it's easier just to assign uniforms than to actually deal with the couple kids that break the dress code policy? My job would be a lot easier too if I didn't have to solve other peoples problems... but then I suppose I wouldn't have a job either.
  11. Why is that? Why can't you chew gum on SOME school grounds? ... not the falling down part, I struggle with that too. Very srsly
  12. Tax bills in 2009 at lowest level since 1950 http://www.usatoday.com/money/perfi/taxes/2010-05-10-taxes_N.htm "It's Obama's fault!"
  13. It would probably make him feel better if you offered to bikini jello wrestle his ex... we can set that up, we have the technology.
  14. And all those uniforms did was turn you into an angry Italian man later in life.
  15. Disclaimer


    I know you guys are probably just talking about wine and lasagna, but we speak-a da English on here.* *Very Loosely quoted from Rounders
  16. The definition of compulsory education is loose when you factor in private school and home-school. http://www.ncsl.org/IssuesResearch/Education/CompulsoryEducationOverview/tabid/12943/Default.aspx Bottom line really is the law mandates kids be educated to a certain level. So, as far as that goes, the only thing that matters is you can pass the GED test, right?
  17. This thread is depressing me now. Reminds me of the injustices I've suffered at the hands of bitches too.
  18. Stay skeptical... but the silver lining, like IP said, at least you're not paying alimony. I know how I'd fix this, but I'm a heartless bastard.
  19. You didn't think she was "the one" did you?
  20. I don't understand 'getting your rocks off' by staring at the thong of a chick that you're not, or will be sleeping with. Especially if it's something you see ALL the time. Women like that are generally vapid and boring. (Before ALL the women take offense... I'm generalizing, I'm sure the girls reading this and taking offense to it are the 'special cases' -- yea, keep telling yourself that) Porn is way more effective. I guess my mancard does need taken because I don't think about sex 24/7 -- I do have a life and enjoy other things in it besides fantasizing about things I don't have, don't want, or don't need.
  21. Ok, so if they originally got their 'attention' from their clothing, if you mandate a dress code, what are they going to replace that 'attention' with? The attention whoring psychology isn't going away, it'll just be replaced by something else. What else? Could be better (deciding to be an attention whore by being captain of the soccer team, captain of the debate team), could be worse (party chick, druggie)?
  22. I guess I never bought into that? If a hot chick came to class everyday with her whaletail hanging out, it'd get boring after a week and wouldn't be "distracting" anymore. After awhile, you just ignore such things (baggy jeans, offensive shirts, etc), and you see how dumb/immature those 'other kids' are. No?
  23. http://www.imagechicken.com/uploads/1273588457055031500.jpg *sadface* removed "Photoshop", but left link.
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