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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I just watched it... had it queued from 8AM... That's almost as bad as the Lady Gaga one posted in the other thread.
  2. Disclaimer

    Pet Peeves

    We just can't have nice things.
  3. That's when I say, "Sorry dude, I don't have anything but the local police are always willing to lend a hand to a citizen in need - I'll call them and we can wait for them together to make sure you get back home safe." I always get a kick out of that because it's hilarious to see those people start backpedaling as quick as they do. Then I press more, "No, really I insist... I want to make sure you get home alright since you don't have any gas or money" I really just make a fake call to whomever and start telling the story on the phone, "yea, hi, there is a gentleman at ______ who ran out of gas and doesn't have any money to get home, I was hoping you could send an officer out to help this guy get home..." About then is when they and walk/run away.
  4. Does not work in Western NEO location(s)
  5. Disclaimer

    Pet Peeves

    Overzealous mods are another pet peeve. Or mods that are commenting in one thread when they should be paying attention to another
  6. I'm sure there's plenty of GM housing available in that area.
  7. Quoted before the ban hammer comes down! And the thread gets locked. Mods -- Don't none of you touch MY post. :D
  8. Bikes aren't really known for having a plethora of "crumple zones". The rider maybe, but not the bike.
  9. No, but don't expect her to mean it when she tells you you're the biggest she's ever had either. Wrillo already gave up the ghost when he said she dated a black guy.
  10. Disclaimer

    Pet Peeves

    It's easier just to defriend people. Jussayin'
  11. Disclaimer

    Pet Peeves

    Periods.. and people that don't appropriately use an ellipsis.
  12. Disclaimer

    Pet Peeves

    I'll usually grab the one or two nearest carts to where we park and return them to the corral (or use it in the store instead of grabbing a new one). I actually had some old black lady stop me one day when she saw me returning the two shopping carts and tell me I was "an exceptional young man" for returning them "all the way from where you parked" . That's how sad it is, to be recognized for that. Nice lady, though.
  13. Disclaimer

    Pet Peeves

    One that I deal with on a weekly basis... People too fat, lazy, selfish, _____(fill in the blank with whatever the excuse is) to walk their DAMN shopping carts back to the cart returns and leave them strewn about in the parking lot. I guess for me, that's the the tip of the iceberg that starts to snowball inside my brain about "what's wrong with Americans" -- the cart return is a symptom of a much larger systemic problem.
  14. That dude that face planted into the back of a semi... that was at NIGHT. And it's reasonable to expect a car to change lanes in front of you, but it's also reasonable to assume they won't use the shoulder to drive on, so you have an 'out' there, if necessary. Of course that's a gamble too, because the shoulder might be littered with carcasses of semi tires or deer - so deer would end up getting you afterall, eh? All that being said, I've never been in that situation and don't expect to put myself in that situation anytime soon. That's what the dragstrip is for if you're just looking to go fast in a straight line.
  15. That's fine as long as she's still a virgin... otherwise "Watch your first step, it's a doosey"
  16. They have to have you send it in so they can put spyware and keyloggers on your machine to have remote access to the underage sheep nudez you have in your hidden system folders.
  17. Disagree. I can SEE momma taking her kiddies to Chuckie Cheese - and she's relatively predictable behind the wheel of a minivan. Bambi - is not. Including during daylight hours, but especially at night.
  18. I see what you did there... Of the girls, I've got a 50/50 shot at picking an ugly one and offending them. One of which COULD be your sister! I'm sure they all have nice personalities though
  19. Remember the draw is the $5 food!! And shop rag, I mean... T-shirt. The ride is just a pleasant nuisance to justify the ends.
  20. ...and it's 2010, so she's been legal for 4 years now. WTF are you sandbagging us for? Post pics NOW!
  21. Got an e-mail reminder about this today.... so I'm bumping it, ttt.
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