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  1. Disclaimer

    BBQ list

    Greg is the only guy I know that's more weird on the internet than jbot. Consider that a compliment.
  2. http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/1744808517.html Why do I have a feeling I should exercise my CCW privileges if I do this? Only $1 plus free food? TGTBT.
  3. Just making sure I wasn't on the list :sadface: I almost was, but then she said "tan"
  4. VFRs are the worst bikes ever, just ask anyone that owns one.
  5. What kinda hippie company do you work for!?
  6. So WTF were these guys trained to do then? http://www.truecrimereport.com/2010/05/denny_phillips_had_his_balls_s.php
  7. RC - hands down. Funnest bike you'll probably ever own.
  8. Wrong on all accounts. I don't see any information backup any of that. We spend more on our military than than the next 4 largest superpowers COMBINED. You really think that's a rational amount to spend? And where do you think a huge portion of the waste a fraud come from? The military. I already mentioned no-bid contracts and Halliburton.... oh how soon you doth forget Still waiting for my list of "the bunches of social programs to keep people dependent" and their respective analysis. You have no information to back up your claims - hot air.
  9. Sad thing is, the Republicans still haven't figured out it's a Ford and were continuing to buy Schwinn parts through lucrative 'no bid' gov't contracts - yea, that's capitalism at it's best. No bid contracts. Ohh, and that whole Lincoln quote about sounding stupid - what specific "socialist" spending is "weighing" capitalism down? Most of our GDP is spent on military - those 'no bid' gov't contracts that I mentioned *cough*Halliburton*cough*cough*. So, give me your list of the "socialist" expenses, how much they would save if they were eliminated that would bring the gov't back in black... and don't forget the cause-and-effect analysis for at LEAST the secondary and tertiary effects of what cutting that spending would do. Thanks pumpkin.
  10. Tim Misney and the Norton Furniture guy!! It is Epic.
  11. And, I suppose while we're all calling a spade a spade, the Democrats have a lot better track records of being fiscally conservative than Republicans. So, I guess the Democrats are the conservatives and the Republicans are the liberals. http://reason.org/files/a2ec7caccc5d660e870c4a21526ef5f8.pdf Wrap your heads around that. All you Republicans are really liberals, and the people you call 'liberals' on here are actually the fiscal conservatives.
  12. Point taken. But, if that's the case, then you can't mix the definition of the word liberal (definition #10) with the political philosophy of being Liberal (definition #1). They aren't interchangeable in that sense. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/liberal
  13. The previous exchange has humored me.
  14. Hmmm, that's funny because I always read Herr Schwarzenegger was a Republican governor, not a liberal. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnold_Schwarzenegger So he's been in office in 2003, and the deficit is because of 'liberal spending' according to you? He's been in charge of the budget for almost 8 years now... Nice try - "I told you so"
  15. I know... I just wanted pictures of them side by side. Actually for 2010, the Trumpie makes 165 lb-ft @ 2750 and 146hp @ 5750...weighing 807lbs http://www.autoblog.com/2009/10/01/triumph-updates-2010-rocket-iii-now-makes-165-lb-ft-of-torque/ The 2009 Vmax @ around 700lbs http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/roadtests/122_0903_suzuki_b_king_vs_star_v_max/photo_18.html Trumpie wins even if it is 100lbs heavier... *Better range *Massive torque @ low RPM *Better Torque/weight ratio ...I guess to be fair, this isn't an identical apples-to-apples comparison (the Vmax dyno seems to be from the wheel vs. the triumph which I assume is measured at the crank. There may also be an issue of dry vs. wet weight quoted between the two), but even so... Triumph > Vmax for a power CRUISER.
  16. Nope. Triumph has more torque and larger fuel tank... it'll be riding off into the sunset as you lily pad it between gas stations on the Vmax given it's piss poor range. http://www.wilsonsmc.com/new_vehicle_compare.asp?sid=05014612X11K17K2009J4I49I49JAMQ1552R0&veh2=144727&mfg1=8&veh1=144727
  17. Yea what a huge metropolis that town square is... You and Cleave must've been running on Indian time.
  18. Except for that last part through town where 62 becomes Morse Road.... I was with you guys on that ride and my bike wasn't a big fan of the stop-and-go city traffic.
  19. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=477637&postcount=1 Glad you were able to so quickly get over the "bad stuff" that came up and are ready to get back on two wheels with the rest of us
  20. http://jalopnik.com/5539078/this-bitch-cant-drive
  21. Damn, choices. The Bentley is baller, but I was saving up for this... eBay
  22. I like how the 3rd line in the chain letter has "unbelievable" in quotes. Double-reverse sarcasm, no touchbacks or quitsies, FTW.
  23. +1 to Sapphy and ^^^ above. PCI-e is where everything is now, AGP is "old tech" anymore. I think my parents still have the old 486 I used growing up... that's the one and only computer I've owned with an ISA slot.
  24. Alt link: http://shock.military.com/Shock/videos.do?displayContent=214900
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