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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Plyo is the hardest tape as far as I'm concerned, that tape and legs. If you can make it through Plyo, you should be able to make it through the rest. Since I suck at pullups (shoulder doesn't like it) for the back exercises, I substitute pushups for those.
  2. Seriously -- I feel bad for gary's dumb wife now. You should get her number and be friends w/ her.
  3. MJ's problem is that she puts the penis on a pedestal. When it should actually be in her mouth.
  4. I can afford your mom, but her price to performance figures aren't that stellar. It's really a buyers' market. :D:p:p
  5. It might be a bikestyles kid? You could troll the forums over there to see if it was one of them.
  6. Glad to see SOME people haven't lost their ePimp hand.
  7. White/red leathers... I have a guess, but it's unlikely.
  8. When is money ever OUT of the equation though? Never. Besides, the "ultimate engineering and technology" vehicle wouldn't even have wheels. Wheels limit travel to a two-dimensional plane (more or less). See: Space shuttles, rockets, jets. The ultimate in "wheeled engineering and technology" always seem to take after motorcycles regarding their relative width and aero principles- they just add more rubber for additional contact patch. See LSR holding vehicles, streamliners, and Top Fuel dragsters. I would bet you there's more money and engineering involved in making a car go 400+mph in a straight line than an F1 car turn around a course.
  9. I'm on board with this for the most part, even the "bare arms" part. My right to wear a wifebeater and shirts one-size-smaller than they need to be shall not be infringed upon.
  10. You shut your face or I'll get my gun. But, since I'm a "liberal", I'll be too skeerd to use it.
  11. It's in ex-Nazi Europe so we won't hold it against you that you're unaware of it, Anne Frank. Someone get this guy an Xbox and a copy of Forza3
  12. Look, I've seen it done in MW2, so it HAS to be able to happen IRL.
  13. Mimic the elitist, mimic the elitist! ::::crooooaaaaaaaac::::
  14. ^^^^ My favorite helmet article... why I got a ECE cert Shark helmet for the track. I still rock a Snell/Dot for the street and dragstrip.
  15. "I'd rather be lucky than good any day"
  16. He spelled it in proper English, since he's from across the pond. Right? P.S. Those are funny posters, but what would make them even funnier is if they had substance.
  17. I'll have what he's having. Sounds like some badassery steak with a side of brass 'nuggets'.
  18. fullscreenweather.com FULL SCREEN!
  19. I'd rock that plate before the one you've got. "BUSDRVR"
  20. All parking @ Norwalk is free (unless you park at a residential place where the hillbilly local yokels try to make money off unknowing people.) Single day passes... $20 All that info -- right in the link you originally posted. 'GARANTEED' http://summitmotorsportspark.com/schedule/4th-annual-blaster-cavalcade-of-stars.ics/
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