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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Look at Parks International exporter extraordinaire.
  2. ^--- Is this cereal, or are you just thinkin' of me because you know I like to be entertained?
  3. Djism2!? Ohhh, that's deep. Someone start a new thread for background on that. We haven't had any ill drama in quite some time.
  4. He's just not that girl savvy. He's still in 4th grade mode... ya know, if he pushes you off the swings, punches you in the shoulder while you're on the seesaw, or knocks you off the monkey bars... ...it means he likes you. One of these days he'll catch up to the rest of us and just mentally abuse women until they break down and decide to sleep with us.
  5. Well, this is quite serendipitous after my last post. Glad I keep up with Digg. http://www.indecisionforever.com/2010/04/14/jon-stewart-on-the-medias-treatment-of-the-poor/
  6. Are you sure it was Lance? That doesn't sound like him at all.
  7. I'm not so worried about the dirt poor people that are freeloading as much as I am the super-ultra-rich that pay no taxes because of the tax shelters they've been afforded by certain political parties. The dirt poor people can only live so good before they reach a ceiling.
  8. Because I mentioned it.. I just compared my 2k8 and 2k9 taxes: The effective tax rates are within 0.8% of each other (which includes a tuition deduction in 2008 that I didn't get in 2009), My AGI for 2009 was slightly less than 4% higher than in 2008 Withholdings were lower in 2009 than 2008 Refund was smaller in 2009 than 2008 (Correlates with the withholdings) So my taxes actually went down if I was able to do apples/apples. The tuition credit I got in 2008 really helped my 2008 refund.
  9. Uh oh, you drew the attention of the token board user labeled as a 'liberal'.... I just wanted to point out that peoples withholding amounts were slightly reduced (Remember the big fuss about everyone getting Obama's extra $10-$17/paycheck )... so you might not be getting as big a refund anymore. If that's what happens to be causing you ire. But for people earning less than $250k - your total tax obligations should be reduced from 2008 levels. Though to be honest, I haven't even bothered comparing my 2008 W2 and 2009 W2s yet.
  10. You don't know a guy named Matt that rides a Vulcan do you? Scary world, that Brustucky is.
  11. I knew exactly what this was when I saw who started it. Lurve it.
  12. 600 or 1000 'cane? I demand pictures.
  13. Black Tod is really this guy: http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/04/inside-man-how-a-prankster-plans-to-destroy-the-tea-party-movement.php Same tactics are employed, which is why his posts are full of teh winnzors.
  14. It'll depend on where we play too... I can't play if it's much farther than 30mins from my place. I played at some new sports complex in Parma when I played two years ago. 2. Justin, outfield, any day as long as it's only ONCE a week.
  15. Holy crap! Did anyone else notice Cheech is holding a koala bear in his avatar?
  16. *sadface* Some people just have to dream it's big, ya know? Despite reality.
  17. No one cares, you attention whore. J/k, sounds awesome and I'm only spiteful because of the jealousy.
  18. I know much of the evidence points to the fact that it's a 'location-based' fault (Coshocton) and/or rider error, but I think it's time we focus our efforts on the Katana's themselves. I'm hoping to get Ralph Nader on the case for another "Unsafe at any speed 2: The Katana" Maybe we should start coming to terms that Katanas may just be the Corvairs of the motorcycle world...
  19. Mayhaps, but it doesn't look promising.
  20. Girls suck at sports anyway, and usually the ones that don't, aren't real lookers -- so hot chicks can cheer on the sidelines in tube tops and get us beer to quench our manly athletic thirst.
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