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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I finally get the screenname. I wasn't sure at first.
  2. Make him uproot the trees.... doooo it.
  3. That guy is dumb... whats the easiest path to citizenship? Marriage. And once you're married, then you're legally obligated to treat the girl like crap - you don't just do it because you want to anymore.
  4. I accidentally bought crunchy peanut butter. I hate crunchy peanut butter on PB&J sandwiches. Lesson: Don't assume things will be where they last were in Walmart. Due diligence is required.
  5. Everyone that makes less money than conn-e-rot is a poor deadbeat!
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g70cyi9dnG8
  7. You've obviously never been to Grafton. I'm sure the guy looked just like everyone else there, except he had an umbrella.
  8. There are many reasons why... just a few examples: 1) Your schedules don't overlap. For instance, Bunny says she works 3rd shift, and if the neighbor has a reg. 8-5 job they may never have a chance to speak. 2) Your neighbor is known to be difficult or confrontational so having a neutral third party handle the matter may be the best route -- and 3) You want to start/have a record or paper trail of the nuisance if it continues. ... Sure, talking would be a good first option, but you never know how someone if going to react when getting into situations like that. I mean, people can get offended if you say the wrong thing to insinuate their property is 'trashy' or an eyesore. And "How dare you tell me what I can and can't do on MY property" -- sometimes it's just better to let the people who have the authority to handle it, handle it.
  9. I watched that video awhile ago, but it's always funny to run into it again. lulz.
  10. Privatize schools and lower my property taxes! WTF do I care, I don't have kids. We should corral all the wussy fat kids and send them to fat school and make them play dodgeball 12 hours a week using the wussy skinny kids as dodgeballs.
  11. You should get a boat, on a trailer... Or one of my coworkers said one of her friends from her neighborhood 'inherited' a motorhome when their uncle passed or something and the people had no where to put it but in their driveway. One of those neighborhoods where parking anything outside overnight is a no-no. I guess that ulimately leads to, buy a $800 1976 Winnebago and just park it SOMEWHERE on your property or in the street. Bonus points if you take in a few homeless or live out there yourself one or two nights a week. Be sure to run extension cords out to it and have the wastewater tank drain connected with a hose directly to the street sewer... in the open air. Post up how long that lasts.
  12. What's the HOA bylaws say? Is he allowed to mow at 7AM? If it's not in the HOA bylaws, there's gotta be a city/township ordinance on it. I mean, if he wants to play tattle-tale, I suppose you could fight fire with fire? Funny how people choose to live in a neighborhood with an HOA, but then find it's rules and regs 'imposing' on their lifestyle. That's why I don't live in one.
  13. Or you could do that. I'll have to keep an eye on this thread to see how things turn out.... if anymore 'nuisances' happen to either party.
  14. That's the problem with anything like this... it causes bad blood between neighbors over something silly and ends up escalating into starting threads on "How do I REALLY piss off the neighbor?" How sure are you what neighbor really called it in? Unless their name in on the letter... it could've been ANYONE driving by in the association, right? And, unless you're planning moving anytime soon, you still have to deal with these people regularly -- life's too short to get your panties in a bunch over petty shit, if it was against the "rules" and you were wrong, then I say you take AOW's advice, apologize and put it behind you.
  15. Less than a week is a little douchey, but I can sympathize with the neighbor. That's all I can say.
  16. Did anyone notice Benyen is hugging a camel in his avatar?
  17. Scooters are scary with little wheels, I stay far away from them.
  18. Disclaimer


    What do you need proof of? I think I might know a guy...
  19. Disclaimer


    I <3 how everyone knows 'a guy'... that's really how all the shit gets done in the world. You gotta know the right people who know the right 'guys'. Networking, FTW.
  20. Disclaimer

    Fuck bees

    You sure it's not Howie's? He's gonna be pissed if you killed his pet bee.
  21. SSSA Super Squid Shorts, Awesome! Or, Single Sided SwingArms? I forget which.
  22. Also talked to your boy Lenny tonight. He was out riding his bicycle in the neighborhood while the lady and I were walking around. I didn't even recognize him and wouldn't have until he started hating on the 'busa. Dude is 40lbs lighter! I did not know that. Apparently you've filled him in on our travels.

  23. .... if you're going there to run a Street Bike class... they won't be checking your coolant.
  24. Once you do that, we'll have to compare portfolios. Then we can compete on performance there too (I also only do mutual funds and certain bond funds right now). When I out Jew the Jew, I know I'm doing something right.
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