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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. This did not end in true ORDN fashion. You two must e-fight to the death. Someone must be banned or threatened to leave this domain forever. That's how we settle things around here. "Agree to disagree" is not an option.
  2. You sure you have your terms right? Comprehensive shouldn't be near as big of a hit in the quote as collision.
  3. Wait, so are we supposed to have regulations on stuff and a checks and balances type system, or an unmitigated free market economy? I love the post office example, especially when people don't understand it.
  4. Or... OR... you could built that helicopter you were talking about and invert the blades so it can hover upside down exactly 2" off the ground. Mowing time cut drastically.
  5. 3.5 acres... mowing sucks.
  6. I'll leave your other two contentions alone for now, but I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark that you don't work in the auto industry and aren't really aware of all the interconnections, joint ventures, and the global supply base ramifications if they had just "let them fail". Besides the auto industry actually makes tangible things using manufacturing know-how, unlike the financial bailout that was tenfold what the auto bailout was and they don't make anything tangible.
  7. Since when has anything I've ever done been "normal"? Send my kisses to Howard.
  8. What does she do when Howard's wearing your underwear and sings the "I feel pretty" song?
  9. It's not really the same battle... the R's in Wisconsin wanted to change the current law to, without going into the intricacies, neuter the unions power. Rahm just wants the teachers to go back to work because (right from the article): meaning he feels they aren't compliant with pre-existing laws on the book. So it's not an apples-to-apples comparison on your commentary / opinion about R's vs. D's... Regardless, it's an issue that needs addressing and I don't think either side is going to be pleased with the eventual outcome of the Chicago schools situation. I'd bet it'd get fixed a lot sooner if the mayor sent his kids to the public schools, but because their are private options available, he really doesn't have a true "dog" in the fight, other than his reelection bid.
  10. Near same situation. Cancelled and went with Allstate who then proceeded to quote me a super cheap rate after I specifically said I wasn't moving my car insurance over yet (honeymoon trial period)... then my escrow paid out to Allstate almost $160 extra dollars over my quote to which I was told that "Well, you need to move your auto over and we'll reimburse you to what the original quote was..." ( - which is why I do everything in writing and save the documentation) Dropped Allstate and requoted with Progressive... and basically got my original rate back. I didn't like going back to them, but I don't think Homesite is the underwriting company anymore, it's IDS Property Casualty Insurance Company.
  11. Nothing to do with him being liberal or conservative. Everything to do with holding a belief that is contrary to observable fact and evidence. Though it happens more often than not that it's the neo-conservatives that are on the wrong side of facts. Kind of like how 2+2 will never be 5 no matter how hard you believe it to be.
  12. You may be correct. I mistook Montgomery for a board member.. therefore I withdraw the majority of the snark from my prior post. Though it is a little scary that he works at a university and is still insistent about being a birther.
  13. They can do anything they want I guess, but the update says this has been withdrawn https://gawker.com/5943331/kansas-seriously-considering-removing-president-obama-from-november-ballot-over-birth-certificate-concerns http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/14/kansas-birther-case-obama-joe-montgomery_n_1884936.html Or, how I read it, "Now that I'm in office, I'm representing ME, not the people I'm associated with or elected to represent" But, in the end, the public won this one. This time.
  14. Might be worth it for someone on here if you clean pipes too. Just be happy for the free bumps.
  15. I can do Friday... though she's not gonna like me cancelling date night. If the tire has to wait...it has to wait. The other stuff is more important.
  16. Before or after we get together? Would be a good shakedown... assuming we get together at the butt crack of dawn.
  17. Just in case any of ya'll wanna jump off your "Jump to Conclusions" mats... http://gawker.com/5941945/anonymous-big-fbi-hack-was-a-big-lie The FBI is probably still tracking each and every one of us, but what could they've possibly gained by only tracking pretentious Apple iDiots.
  18. Here's a good writeup on wheelie control: http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/9/14095/Motorcycle-Article/2012-Superbike-Traction-Control-Comparison.aspx Totally opposite of what you want, but...
  19. Sometimes lessons are best learned the hard way. I just hope those folks aren't mad when others' are as callous about it as they were before the lesson.
  20. It's getting really funny in here now, with people believing their own unsubstantiated opinions as fact. I like the smell of my own musk too. Good thing it's not political discussion, or some people would get labeled.
  21. Bump for teh funniez. Childhood cancer and bankruptcy has me rolling. Oh wait, no it doesn't.
  22. It's an off-topic non-political laugh riot in here... man oh man.
  23. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC517636/ Doesn't seem like there's anything wrong w/ UK cardiac surgeons... seems more like a problem w/ the health quality of the patients.
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