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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. That is true, I haven't seen a lot of these towing trailers. I don't think I've seen any hearse's tow trailers either. ;)
  2. Damn... I'd love this job as a part time gig, just to get a chance to ride different bikes.
  3. It's either here or the offering plate...
  4. I'm sure you got most of the people with this one. Once again, I rarely START political threads (not saying I haven't ever), but if someone else starts them -- I'm more than happy to donate my $0.02 to the party.
  5. Silly Rob, that's a Gen2 'busa... ya know, the ugly ones.
  6. Worse case, you know either of you can borrow mine or Kev's probably. Kevin let me borrow his last season for a day to change my tires because I didn't have any. Just payin' it forward.
  7. This entire album.... glorious.
  8. Watch needed for a Desmo: Watch needed for this bike:
  9. So is Kayleigh giving you a place to crash up here?
  10. No, they just proved that golden retrievers aren't bulletproof unless they're appropriately equipped with kevlar helmets.
  11. http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/its-over-9000 It's cool, I don't really get it either, but some enginerd friends of mine explained it to me - it's a meme. I'd rather stick hot skewers in my eyes than watch DBZ. It's actually pretty relieving that no one in the thread so far has lol'd at it. Ohh wait...
  12. If I ever bring myself to ride through that side of town, I know I can count on you. I just mentioned the issue about your profession because you're likely to be dragged into the politics section around here unless you're strong willed enough to keep your ideas to yourself. I am not.
  13. You can't leave, I'd miss your puke BJ stories.
  14. Holy Cow, it's Lance's berfday! HBD duder.
  15. Elyria, sorry to see that. I didn't happen to see you on Rt 57 heading south, then turning onto Broad St. the other day did I? You were following my bright yellow S10?
  16. I didn't know Suzuki made Aprilias. Srsly though, nice ride.
  17. Wellington, you're a farmboy eh? I don't remember where Wilkes Villa is, but I'm assuming it's in the ghetto, because Elyria as a whole is pretty ghetto. Nevermind, I looked it up... that's on the OTHER side of the river, I'm not worried. Beware of telling people on here you're a cop, unless you can avoid the trollbait.
  18. You're entitled to your opinion mighty mouse.
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