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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. There are not enough of these smilies to go around to all you crApple :leghump:ers
  2. Proof that Duane rocks the second elephant line... look at that lean angle!! I hope that worked, I can't see the image at work, I just hope that's the image I think it is from this thread: http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=36497 @ ya Duane
  3. Not to mention the balls it takes to move a brick like that through the air at 200mph. Enzo, it is not.
  4. Reminds me of a story I read: http://standardmadness.com/offbeat/true-story-how-to-get-pregnant-via-oral-sex I was half considering give it it's own thread because it's that jacked up of a story.
  5. You'd make bank too (what'd it say, about $122k?)... like working on an oil rig. It'd be an interesting experience, I don't mind the desolate location and the snow, but I don't like the bitter cold.
  6. Funny, you're the only one who calls his erect penis a 'gaydar'
  7. Even I missed that one. But please, put me back in there. I can't be out of my cage during the day.
  8. And since this thread is headed for derailment anyway (Apologies Sinner)... This is my kinda car: http://jalopnik.com/5426259/twin+turbo-super-cuda-races-enzo-hits-208-mph http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1cLfiVSyrw&feature=player_embedded And for pure sex, listen to this: The Aural Bliss Of Five Honda HSV-010 GTs Warming Up At Suzuka Do want. Just makes me sad that these were supposed to be the new NSX's that were axed. Sounds exactly like what you'd expect a 3.4L V8 to sound like. Nom Nom Nom!
  9. The pink shoebox was just an example. I'd prefer a Turbo6 Buick just because I'm enamored with cars with hairdryers that are perceived as underdogs. Sleepers. Like I said, the 'ghini is a cool car, but the drag race testing isn't the best venue to show off that impressive AWD system (like you mentioned). I don't know how much those turbos affected the driveability or ballast of the car, but I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't actually make the car handle worse because of the new weight bias. A LSx engine in a Miata is a crazy fun car to hoon around in, but a stock Miata would nail it to the boards on a road course. It's another case of 'right tool, right job'... you don't start with a base platform 600 and try to build it to outpace a 'busa in the strip. It CAN be done, but why? The base platform is just as important as the intended purpose - I dunno if the guy plans on street racing that car, which is just illegal DRAG racing, and any sub-10 car on the street deserves respect, but I just wouldn't want the owner of the Lambo to be delusional that he's king shit of his game, because he's not.
  10. You're a wittle guy, we always worry about you. Last thing we want is to find you've been suffocated under a fat chick. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,583493,00.html
  11. Nice post. Made me smile in the morning, and I don't even do that when I'm getting my morning BJs
  12. ..like...like... a MOTORBIKE!?!? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUC4UObnhLk Hayabusa bitches! You KNOOOOOW!
  13. You ever put a hot dog in the microwave without poking holes in it? It's like that. More importantly, how did YOU stumble upon this lil gem?
  14. I got an e-mail forward today that I read because the title actually piqued my interest. Granted it's a forward, so it's filled to the brim with agendas and propaganda, and I didn't bother to fact check it to see who/what/where it originally came from. I also apologize if it happens to be a repost. Regardless, I figured the rest of you gun nuts would enjoy it.
  15. I'll need to go when you go then, because every time I go, it's like going to a party with my parents friends. And seeing a side of them I don't want to see.
  16. You know it mang, they'll have all the 'over 40' titties you'd ever want to see...
  17. Touche'... but sober mini-golf isn't nearly as much fun.
  18. I was kind of hoping they'd be running some specials or something on the ferry ride over. Because drinking @ PiB gets expensive real quick.
  19. Cool video and all, but meh, not impressed... unless the point was to show how much money you can spend. I guarantee you this didn't cost as much, makes sub-8 passes, is just as street legal, and does it without the aerodynamics that the Lambo has. Plus, is arguably better looking that that Italian bull up there. http://www.hotrod.com/eventcoverage/hrdp_0902_2008_hot_rod_drag_week/index.html
  20. I like to eat at the Y, but my local one hasn't changed the menu for about 10 years, and it tends to be underdone at times.
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