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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Disclaimer


    I can't see the image, but you totally quoted me wrong. Fail bike.
  2. Disclaimer


    That's the spirit, ol' chap!
  3. Disclaimer


    That's kinda what we do here... everything is ghey, unless its sexplay with sheep and even that's ghey if the balls touch. Don't get offended, that's just how it is... ya fag.
  4. Disclaimer


    You're new here, aren't you?
  5. Dammit, now I'm upset I missed this. I just know I like the guy that voices the character (H Jon Benjamin). I remember him back when I used to watch "Home Movies" when he played Coach McGuirk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXv13WdLiMA
  6. But Pauly, Steve Jobs says you NEED this in your life. It fills the gap between your iPhone and iMac. You must assimilate! @ Jbot. Trappers FTMFW!
  7. Ohh, and it just so happened this showed up today in the news, how convenient for me as ANOTHER rebuttal to chevy... The Rise Of Cloture: How GOP Filibuster Threats Have Changed The Senate
  8. I never get that, must just be you.
  9. Keep us posted on your review/experience with this thing.
  10. So, you're bitter that you're not poorer, or made dumb decisions in a recent enough period of time to qualify for these 'handouts'? Fortunately, I have a job and all, but my home lost value too, that's just how it goes in the market sometimes. Speaking of handouts, you're not collecting unemployment are you? The same unemployment benefits Obama and others have been trying to extend to people in tough spots? If not, good on you for standing by your values. If you don't vote, you can't complain. Sorry, but that's how I look at things. When people have died to give you that right to affect change, and steer the country where you think it should be going and you don't care about that. That's on you. You'll have to give me examples because I'm not really sure what you mean about this 'path of destruction'. What, specifically, is Obama doing that is doing that is causing the country to head down a path of destruction? I'll assume you're making a joke.
  11. Idol... wow, someone paints with a broad, heavy brush. I'd do that too, but I prefer to keep my dick lead-based paint free. I'm going to bed, we'll continue this dance tomorrow morning.
  12. I guess it wasn't vacation per se. I used a "Wellness Cert" - I get two extra days off work each year because I use the gym. Preventative care, keeping in shape, so I don't end up going bankrupt with the current healthcare system. See how I brought it all back... /thread save
  13. I got up at 5:30 because I didn't want to take a FULL day vacation... so I can use the 1/2day I saved for later. That's because I'm a chintz and a miser. I would've went to see Bush or Palin if Ab stood in line for the tix again. She was already there for class, so she said she was just going to hop in line - so she has about 3 more hours invested in it than me. It wasn't a total loss for her, she was interviewed twice. Once on WKYC and once for some no-name Spanish college news thing.
  14. I really can't comment on the 'Cadillac' plans because I'm unaware of how a 'Cadillac' plan is specifically defined. But, I do understand what you're saying...
  15. 1) I'm not losing sleep over people 'pickin' on my boy'. 2) The fact that I saw him in person has nothing to do with my opinion of him. If it were Bush, I would've saw him too. He was less than 5 miles from my house, tickets were free, and it didn't inconvenience me to attend. Total time in my life to wait in line to get tix, wait in line for the event, AND attend the event was 5.5 hours, which includes the speech. 3) You keep saying 'your boys' like I'm 100% on board with EVERYTHING Obama does. I'm pro-facts, pro-economics, and anti-dumbass - so whatever party happens to run that platform, I'm right behind them. Sarah Palin, you've got to be f*(king kidding me.
  16. I think you missed the latter part of his post, ya know, the part that says: "...but I haven't read enough of it actually cite quotes to prove my thinking on that." That's kinda key. You're right Inya, but I'm not qualified enough to really know if you are, I don't read anyone elses posts... I just like to read what I type.
  17. Everyone raise their hand if they have a "Cadillac" plan. Now keep your hand up if you actually make enough money to be a Republican - a part of the upper echelons of society - to legitimately be able to bitch about supporting the masses. Ya know, since I'm banking that most people on this board probably don't have personal incomes greater than $250k/yr - they would be considered 'the masses'.
  18. I want to go to bed, but I'm waiting for chevy to admit he's wrong. I'll go grab my coffee.
  19. That's kinda the point of having an HMO, insurance pool, or single-payer system... the buying power simplifies negotiations and puts the power back with the consumer, not the insurer/provider.
  20. The 'the' was just goofin' around, but you don't really make it that difficult of a challenge. From the 615pg PDF you posted. Page 43 ‘‘(1) VOLUNTARY NATURE OF GATEWAY.— 2 ‘‘(A) CHOICE TO ENROLL OR NOT TO EN3 ROLL.—A qualified individual shall have the 4 choice to enroll or not to enroll in a qualified 5 health plan or to participate in a Gateway." Page 55-56 "12 ‘‘(k) EMPOWERING CONSUMER CHOICE.— 13 ‘‘(1) CONTINUED OPERATION OF MARKET OUT 14 SIDE GATEWAYS.—Nothing in this title shall be con 15 strued to prohibit a health insurance issuer from of 16 fering a health insurance policy or providing cov 17 erage under such policy to a qualified individual 18 where such policy is not a qualified health plan. 19 ‘‘(2) CONSUMER CHOICE OF PLAN.—Nothing in 20 this title shall be construed to prohibit a qualified 21 individual from enrolling in a health insurance plan 22 where such plan is not a qualified health plan. 23 ‘‘(3) CONTINUED OPERATED OF STATE BEN 24 EFIT REQUIREMENTS.—Nothing in this title shall be 25 construed to terminate, abridge, or limit the oper- 1 ation of any requirement under State law with re 2 spect to any policy or plan that is not a qualified 3 health plan to offer benefits required under State 4 law." I don't think I need to go through the rest... if you want to read all pertinent information, just search the term 'qualified' and you'll find 163 instances of that term in the document. Anything else you want me to read for you?
  21. You replying slow... just an example of an opinion. And judging by your response, it struck a small chord - enough for you to mention it. Which once again shows how easy it is to invoke a response. I might think you reply slow, Inya might think you type faster than Flash Gordon... Just like whoever authored that information/opinion YOU posted.
  22. As quoted on page 459, of HR 239 Section 4, Paragraph 3, line 2 "the"
  23. Let us dissect your information: Pure opinion. I think you're replying too slow... "barnstorming the nation" the connotation of the word 'barnstorming' used to invoke a fear response. And then "swift approval of legislation that is taking shape." So.... swift isn't defined, and I don't understand how anyone can approve anything that is still taking shape. Stingy, like barnstorming, used to invoke fear. And, stingy in who's opinion? Maybe I think your current plan is stingy... Then, 'HMO-style controls'... you mean like the ones in the CURRENT system? So, the people that are anti-reform are comparing this legislation to what they're currently in favor of in order to make people fearful - that's so circular it hurts my head. Like was already explained in my LAST post, they selectively choose the text that exempts federal employees, but don't explain that it also exempts the general populace as long as they currently have insurance and are happy with it. Thusly, putting in how it is written above - I'll call it propaganda via omission - it strikes that nerve with the anti-government folks that say, "Well, if Congress is exempt, then shucks, if it's not good enough for them, then they're trying to screw over the regular people, don'tcha know?" And without even reading the legislation or figuring out the logic behind this perceived outrage... people blindly repeat that and are anti-reform without understanding exactly how they've been duped into buying into the GOP agenda. Do you get it now?
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