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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. With his teeth, no less - his beard would feel like razor wire on your taint as he's doing it.
  2. It looks good, but I did like it better without the "attention whore" stickers. But, hey, whatever floats your boat.
  3. Beware, you're on to my game.... it's called "Paying Attention" It's really easy once you figure out how to play. Todd's still trying to figure out the strategy, I'm still rooting for him to accomplish that. I won't give up on you, buddy!
  4. Ok, we didn't MEAN to key your car, my keys were just in my hand when I was holding the side dish we were bringing in. And my girlfriend was also carrying food and some sharp object pointed outward. Intent is irrelevant - we're still liable for damages to your vehicle due to our negligence, no? Or, just "it was an accident" and you can't prove it was me or my girlfriend... then, sucks to be you, you've got to pay to have your own car fixed? Which scenario makes more sense?
  5. So if my girlfriend and I come to your house for dinner and both key your car because we don't care for kosher food, neither of us should be held liable? Think about what you're saying when you can't prove liability that NO ONE should be held liable. That makes zero sense, and all you'd have to do is find a 'partner in crime' to go around committing criminal acts and if you do it right... no one can pin it on either of you, you both walk away - without being penalized.
  6. And upon further investigation... I believe I am correct. Too bad the /spoiler tags don't work on here or I'd go ahead and post the case and the legal precedent established, which is actually names for the case: The _______vs. ______ Rule
  7. Quit junking up the REAL gamers thread with your inferior machine and network.
  8. That was my guess. It's only logical since they were both negligent, who actually hit the guy is irrelevant to the judgment in this instance. The verdict would have to be against both parties and let them sort out how the victim gets the $100k.
  9. Hey look! n00b's already reposting shit. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=39958
  10. Judgment rendered against both defendants for the sum of $100k.
  11. I'm in as soon as the damn game arrives at my house.... arg!
  12. Tour of the known universe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17jymDn0W6U&feature=player_embedded How small and insignificant we really are.
  13. I thought this thread was about a different SLR. I think either that one, or a Canon might make her happy.
  14. As of late, I'm not a big fan of 'compromise' If one person says 2+2=4, and another says we should make 2+2=5... I'm not willing to compromise on that. That's more analogous to what it's been like lately. There's information, facts, and policy making based on them...and there's obstructionism to protect special interests. Compromise doesn't have to mean 50/50... Compromise could be 90/10... but like I said - Presently, there's always someone or some group opposed to policy based on information, observation, facts and ethics in favor of a 'compromise' to protect a small wealthy subsection of the entire nation.
  15. It was 56.8% of eligible voters that turned out to vote... so 49% of 56.8% would actually be around 28% of the total population. http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0781453.html Jussayin'... More importantly, it sounds like that means that the other 44.2% of people that didn't bother to vote should STFU and STFD
  16. I don't have titties. They're pecks.
  17. That's a pretty scary statement if you really think about it.
  18. You and me both. I'll be off 12/16 - 1/4 Here's what I've done so far: Learned how to use Rainmeter Watched A LOT OF TV Surfed A LOT of Internet Grocery shopping Laundry Ate lots of cereal Sleep Basketball Troubleshooting my neighbors WinXP and Win7 machines Cleaned up cat mess Went out to the bars each night (though I'll probably stay home tonight) My life is boring though, I'm sure you can get into something fun.
  19. Yeeeeeeeaaaaa, no... not buying it. http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2009/12/predator-drones-use-less-encryption-than-your-tv.ars 1) It's been a known flaw since the 90s, word would've got out it was a 'honeypot' trick by now 2) They've decided to go to encrypting the streams NOW, so if it was a 'honeypot' it ain't no more.
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