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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I have a similar story I should share with you sometime. But, you're way more generous than I'd ever be. I didn't bust ass in this world for some woman to ride my coattails. My girl pays rent, and her half of the bills each month.
  2. Your 'slightly modified' avatar cracks my shit up. Invisible Rep 4 you.

  3. I typed in: "How much did we pay 'Maverick' in Top Gun?" And, I shit you not, this was the first article: A fighter pilot approach to motorcycle riding
  4. I suppose "Big Fucking Sand Crane" won't be a valid PN
  5. Yes, as soon as you breach the contract by missing a single payment - they can put an immediate call on all debt you owe. That goes for Credit Cards, that goes for a promissory note from your uncle, that goes for anyone that you have a binding debt contract with.... usually, as with anything there's always exceptions. And even if they're legally allowed to call your debt when you miss a payment - realistically, they'll probably work with you because it's cheaper in the long run to reduce your rate and let you pay than to take you to court over it. But, your credit score will take a beating.
  6. Agree... but what's not an illusion is all those trucks in Iraq we paid for. Those are real. Jussayin' Maybe they just don't have enough Iraqi's with CDLs to give them away to?
  7. First, you have to prove you know the difference between a circle and an oval. Then, you'd have to look at it on a widescreen Samsung monitor setup to 1600x1200. Then, based on your understanding of the difference between a circle and an oval, in addition to your visual observation of the image on a widescreen monitor, you'd have to come up with some sort of recognition/associative connection between your understanding, and your observation. If either your understanding or observations are askew from mine or other 3rd parties... then you need to do further research.
  8. Dude, bring us all back some stuff we can't get here in the states... like rice.
  9. Accidents must be your lifestyle. Did your parents plan to have you, or did this vicious cycle all start there?
  10. And upon further inspection... more of an oval.
  11. Round and flat aren't mutually exclusive. Likwid asserted flatness, that's not a testament to shape, it's a testament to the planar aspect with which the earth lies. You've proven nothing.
  12. Looks flat to me. That's obviously a circle - a flat circle.
  13. No she didn't. And until you can prove otherwise, I'm sticking to it.
  14. You're right. Personal observations are "because I say so" observations that can't be verified by ANY other source. I know you need your hand held and walked through everything, but I just don't feel like spoon feeding you today, Todd.
  15. Disclaimer

    IMG 7105copy

    That's not YOURS is it? If it is, who's the lady-friend?
  16. If they only ticketed woman drivers.
  17. I'm in the supply chain for parts that go on all the vehicles on the left side. They're more than six figures, so... I'm just going to go ahead and assume the even larger vehicles on the right are at a greater cost than the ones I know the general cost of.
  18. Rep was the only thing I was ever good at collecting. Well, that and STDs
  19. Now that's it over forever, has a winner been declared?
  20. That would make an awesome regift back to them this Christmas, covered in your aunt's blood.
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