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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I'm a pussy, I only run outside when it's between 60 and 85 degrees. Otherwise, indoors. Hell, even walking around the mall while your woman shops is better than nothing.
  2. Now I'm confused... you're good and have a 'wonderful girlfriend' (how long you guys been dating, champ? They don't stay wonderful forever), but definitely going to do this...by this I assume it's referring to getting into Mj's pants. Your diet for today doesn't look too bad, but you need to watch the pizza sub and chili... there's a lot of extra cals in there depending on what they're made with.
  3. You gotta be discipline... how bad do you want this? How bad do you want to get into Mj's pants?
  4. Date Calories Consumed Food item 7/24/2008 270 Granola Bars 210 Fruit Cocktail -120 Workout 200 Blueberry Muffin 1500 Pizza 480 Soft Pretzels 200 Watermelon Total 2740
  5. Tits or GTFO! ...and it begins, again.
  6. Ohh, you want particular food?? Give me any day between 1/1/2007 and the present and I can tell you exactly what I ate that day and how many calories I 'charged' myself (Save for some minor days of exceptions where I was traveling or something and couldn't get to my spreadsheet)
  7. Maybe you can - I never learned how to speak bitchanese
  8. How much do you desire to weigh? At 2200 cals/day given my workout schedule (I conservatively planned to burn 1500 cals/week - and just my 10k tonight was 1050 cals, so I know I blast well beyond that 1500 cals)... I'm 'supposed' to weigh 185lbs. And I did, until I changed my diet and gained it back. But, my pants never got tighter, so... I like to chalk it up to muscle building. I think?
  9. Mix in some plyo pushups, some walking pushups, some prison cell pushups, 21s, then do some Russians. Ve vill pump you puny girly men up!
  10. Bingo! The act in itself is just a symptom of a much larger personality flaw. You aren't going to untrain that trick in that ol' dog.
  11. I thought after you stretched the chain on the Ceeber that would've been enough of a hint, chubbs.
  12. He's a noob He's got a gsxr He's apparently a young 'dude' (from Cali no less) He's preaching safe riding and not popping 4" whoolies What statement doesn't fit with the rest? I'm disappointed this isn't going to turn into a JCroz flamefest introduction. Welcome, thanks for not entertaining me today.
  13. First thing that came to mind :D

    Don't question what I type - even I get confused about it sometimes, just nod and smile and accept that I'm goofy.

  14. No big deal? Maybe if you're the first one to occupy said igloo. Otherwise, I hope you didn't go down on her - Or have you gotten to the point where you're able to tell what friends have been there by the taste?
  15. If it was more than a 2 week supply, I might jump on that deal...
  16. Cool points earned back for actually putting the car through the paces at the AutoX even though it looks like a confused snowcone.
  17. I saw that too... pretty awesome... they interviewed bikers that were scootin' along on it. A bunch of BMW metrosexual looking pricks No offense to the other non-metrosexual pricks that own BMWs on here.
  18. SAEM - Socially Awkward Engineers w/ Motorcycles
  19. You lose cool points for the miata... but since you're a chick, you lose less cool points than if you were a dude.
  20. Red frame looks bitchin' Welcome.
  21. Lies... maybe not cigarettes, but you smoke pole all the time. See, you were even talking about Ross's right after you said it. You constantly have cock on the brain.
  22. http://ohio-riders.net/showpost.php?p=382964&postcount=2

    JJ.AM stuff from today... see I told you, sometimes it's not porn or death.

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