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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. You keep trying to paint this portrait that I'm somehow anti-soldier. And it's not true. I'm just as appreciative as everyone else. The troops just do what they're told without question - and do it well. It's the 'management' I doubt. And if all you got from that video was 'a rock' then I don't really know any other way to explain it to you.
  2. Sorry that went over your heads. This may clear up my 'bearcrow mailbox' silliness. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2zXSaDFi7o Logic 201: Specious Reasoning
  3. When was the last time your house was attacked by a bear? Apparently your mailbox must be a magical 'bearcrow'
  4. Once again for everyone - I'm all for supporting the military. I'd much rather see them spend more money HERE at home in the US on giving our soldiers more pay, educational benefits, etc... rather than wasting it powering tactical generators in Fallujah - where we don't need to be. On the flip side, where are the all anti-Welfare, anti-social safety net people on this? Our soldiers know what they're signing up for before they sign on the dotted line, do they not? I don't go into Mickey D's and expect a $60,000 salary. You really think being over this is going to stop them from trying? Where there's a will, there's a way...
  5. I never said I'm fine spending money on him, I'm still unsure of the appropriate way to handle this guy. But, you proved my point about Afghanistan and Iraq. WTF are my tax dollars doing over there? You're delusional if you think it's protecting us here. It's not - it's pissing people off. And you wouldn't have those VBIED or RPGs if it wasn't for public tax dollar development.
  6. I've never been pro-debt. And we're not talking importance, but it's quite the hyperbole to think they're standing guard at night for me. No, Mr. Ruger and the Smith and Wesson Bros. do that for me. I'm all for supporting our military, but Issue 1 was a 'bonus'... not an entitlement.
  7. I'm still getting a laugh at this 19 year old beating his chest. Must suck to have lived to be the ripe old age of 19 and not figured out that people quit picking on you if you just let it go instead of "defending yourself" (i.e. egging us on because we know it grinds your gears). And worst of all... you defend yourself to the point where you come off as an even bigger ignorant tool dbag. And no Mj, I hate it when you give me shit, I go to bed crying every night. I know how bad it feels now, and can't imagine the dreams you've had about me with all the crap I've given you.
  8. $1000 bonus != Capital Punishment Besides, I bet his trials costs less than the $200M Ohio wants to borrow for Issue 1. That's really the only point I wanted to address at this time... continue on.
  9. No, you're WRONG... you have a breadboard and solder paste and... dude, you can totally tell if someone messed with them. The 'turbo' on his bike wasn't messed with either... lulz
  10. You'll need to explain how it 'worked'? Because if you want to spread Islam and kill infidels, I can see how he may've accomplished part of the objective, but what he did completely ruined any positivity toward the Muslims in this predominantly NON-Muslim country. I don't know why people can't imagine if the situation were flipped? What if a bunch of Christians went over to the MidEast and did the same thing? We can completely derail this thread into a religious debate if you want, because organized religion is the root cause of this entire mess.
  11. And I'm not even doubting your experience... but look at it in context. You are taught to do, what you do, per the policies that the 'management' wants you to follow, not necessarily what's been recommended to them by the leading researchers on human psychology. So, you may be very good at doing what you're taught/trained/told, but who says what you were taught was the best way to do things? I can use the same argument for this Khalid guy - he was taught to be a terrorist as it's the most effective way to spread Islam. He's good at what he does, but I don't think most will argue that it was the best way.
  12. Your argument goes, like Nascar drives.
  13. I'm not an expert on the subject, but from what I've read from the people that are... the best way to extract information is to illustrate to them that we aren't the enemy, and basically 'befriend' them. Once they realize we aren't 'the bad guys' they'll open up. The downside: It takes time. But, it's better to get ACCURATE information than 10 leads on bad information to waste your resources chasing those. I.e. I'd rather spend 30 days on getting it right, than getting a wrong answer every 5 days. Think about it. Is it easier to get information from someone you hate, or someone you like?
  14. How many times does it need to be posted on why torture doesn't work?
  15. I never got swindled on a misrepresented bike when I was 19 - you got me beat there too, baller.
  16. How much is the premium to get the 'littlecarb hospitality and health insurance' rider policy?
  17. You told me you only made it in black sheep!? I had to paint my sex pen... I mean, living room because you didn't have a white one...
  18. Finally just watched it. Good flick.
  19. Who bolts a supercharger on a V6 stang? Wow. Big baller needs an upgrade to the V8... I had a V8 when I was 19.
  20. It has a lot to do with riding. You ride a cruiser though, so you wouldn't understand... it's built to handle more weight (j/k with you ), but it's the skinny girls and kawi kids of the world that you see on racebikes. True Story. Every 10lbs I lose is a couple hundredths on my ET slip.
  21. I'll quit picking on you if you post a picture of you crying.
  22. Everyone else says you're a punk bitch. I've heard that dude say it... and he'll say it to your face, he'll say it at your apt, he'll say it about you on your wrecked 750 he'll say it to your mother about you that dude will say anything to anyone.
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