But he revealed he was set Wednesday to tell the UN gathering that 58 U.S. senators had signed a letter saying that they would refuse to ratify any treaty that includes controls over civilian guns or ammunition. Ratification by two-thirds of the Senate is necessary before an international treaty negotiated by the executive branch can become U.S. law. ^----- This is why, it'll never fly here and guns will be fine and safe. It's political posturing perpetuated by the fear mongering news media (coincidence it's foxnews? ). Go about your business, nothing to see here. Yea, it's all Obama... blame Obama for your ignorance. Ohh, and remember the DEMOCRATICALLY-controlled Senate is the one that ISN'T taking away your guns. So obviously if those liberal bastards are actually NOT condoning gun control, there's some other secret agenda that's going on because they can "do no right" in conservative's eyes. So, put on the tinfoil hats and let's come up with what that possible secret agenda is. And no cheating by letting Fox news tell you what you're supposed to think it is.