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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Disclaimer

    Ever had..

    Social8nTv that SUX for you. I actually feel kinda bad, because you know HE's thinking you're the uncouth megabitch, not that HE's the tightass.
  2. She's 5'7".... but I would relentlessly bust her chops if she was being outrun by a 5'1 girl that wasn't a professional runner. Props for running though. Don't get perturbed if you don't get AS skinny as you think you should. I'm a fat kid and have accepted it, just take pride that you're the best out of girls that are similar size to you.
  3. I'll have to ask my girlfriend what she runs a 5k in, see if she can keep up with a self-confessed "not skinny" chick.
  4. Yes, please... do not tire, do not let up, do not sleep until you get this fixed. The board watches and waits in hopeful trepidation The weight of the board is on your shoulders. We're counting on you, Ben.
  5. Times!? We need a thread to track PRs, so we can "race" each other.
  6. I doubt it... I'll be painting my rear stand this evening, methinks.
  7. Disclaimer


    No homo. http://current.com/e/91120515/en_US Back to the thread though... I'd ask for OTD prices, but I don't wanna be a dick. I can go by what they told me on the phone at the Youngstown place...but if I want the white one ('09 'R = tits), then it'll be a little more than I wanted to spend.
  8. ^--- I like the idea, but YOU should have to shoot them, not delegate an officer to do it for you. It should be like a Hockey fight, mano a mano with the cops refereeing. Face your accuser with your .40 and your fists of fury. If the perp gets too out of line the cops can stop the fight and book him, because it would just be sad to have your shit taken AND get your ass whooped by the guy who took them.
  9. http://www.ohio-riders.com/xperience.php ^--- reading that...This is like trying to play WoW. I'm a big fan of numbers/charts/graphs.. but that is borderline INSANE all the factors that go into junk.
  10. I go to test the rep out, and I STILL have to spread it around more. IOU rep <sigh> Who's a ho'? Youz a ho'!
  11. I did see that Casper turned back on 'anonymous' rep... so rep will need to be signed again. Unless I'm just too impatient for Casper to have gotten to that section...
  12. I completely agree - there are many jobs I'm not qualified for, could I qualify for them with the proper educational credentials? Some yes, some no. I could've went to school to be a lawyer or doctor but those fields don't interest me as much as the field I'm in. That's all speculation though (and I'm sure part of it is ego on my part that I think I would be capable). Regardless, we're talking about being a cop here. I KNOW I meet all the physical and mental criteria to be a cop (at least per the Elyria PD applicant requirements), common sense or not those application tests don't test for common sense, they test to make sure you're not completely crazy. My point is that the bar to enter a career as an officer isn't set very high, so you're not going to attract the 'cream of the crop' members of society to do that job. I'm not saying that all officers are idiots, I'm just stating the fact that it only requires a HS education (or equivalent). And when you compare that to all other jobs in which people have to make life/death judgment calls (doctors, judges, etc)... the guys wielding pistols, batons, handcuffs, and Tasers require the least amount of education. You don't have to have a 4 year degree to possess the critical thinking skills and problem solving necessary to be an officer, but once again, it seems that I run into more unreasonable cops than reasonable ones. Power tripping, inferiority complex, or whatever their excuse is... and I think that's an issue that should be addressed. Pay cops more, require a 4 year college education, and you won't have some of these 'cowboys' out there that think they need to be heroes to make up for something they weren't able to accomplish in their lives.
  13. We can just add the War on Abortion right under the War on Drugs, War on Terror, and War on Taxes. I wonder which one will win because we can't win them all. I think we have yet to successfully win a war based on ideologies, not geography.
  14. Everything was going swimmingly for both sides until that little ditty right there. 1) I'm not paid by the public (unless you count some gov't contracts). Being a public employee makes you fair game to be criticized by the public you serve. 2) The cops bother me in my private life, I'd WELCOME them to bug me at work. That would be quite refreshing. And the times in my private life when they did bother me (aside from speeding), they weren't up-to-speed on the laws so they weren't able to judge if I was breaking them or not. 3) Not to get on a high horse, but there are more than a few people on this forum alone that are capable of being an officer, but an officer wouldn't necessarily be able to perform their jobs. As in, there are people physically and mentally capable of passing everything necessary to be a cop, but many cops don't have the requirements or skills necessary to do a lot of the other private sector jobs. In my case, not that my job is particularly difficult, but you have to have the educational background - that's a requirement. That's not to say I'd ever WANT to be a cop, because they're underpaid for the level of stress and bullshit they have to deal with, but that I'm capable. I only say that to illustrate that SOME officers don't have the educational background necessary to make the sort of judgment calls they make. Doctors have to go to school for 8 years to make life/death calls, but an officer only needs a HS Diploma/GED and less than 6 months of 'training' (Elyria PD "Sworn Officer" requirements) before they're given discretion to take someones life. And, while it takes a certain kind of individual to do the things officers do, it also attracts a lot of the kinds of individuals that tend to get drunk with power. So, I'm not going to let a few bad apples spoil the bunch, but it's quite the coincidence that I run into more bad apples than good.
  15. My penis used to be HUGE until I caught it closing the door on my Corvette. They saved what they could.
  16. Disclaimer


    Big money big money no whammies no whammies and....... STOP!
  17. Disclaimer


    Call, and tell them... $5500 OTD, or you'll take the black one here. They'll be ecstatic to have one less bike in their inventory (esp. from the XB-series) and you'll have the flavor flav you want.
  18. They'd rather NOT get pregnant... by using condoms.
  19. Why "birth control AND condoms"? And what kinds of female contraceptives would you deem suitable? Because some women I spoke with don't like having synthetic drugs/hormones in their system all the time.
  20. Disclaimer


    How far are you willing to travel? http://www.haleshd.com/new_vehicle_detail.asp?sid=09072687X10K20K2009J6I27I31JPMQ1539R0&veh=92568&pov=1258757
  21. I love how you use the word "theoretical"... like as in "time travel works, theoretically." "Theoretically, you're not gay for having 3 cats." I'm just busting balls you big cuddly Jew. Keep on keeping on - you rock that Vulcan like it's nobody's business.
  22. Obama has yet to appoint a T-shirt czar. You should write an angry letter.
  23. I'm impressed if the Vulcan noise machine can muster half of 174....
  24. Disclaimer


    Hate to call you out, but have you ever seen tits? Close, not still not tits. What are you waiting for... wave that huge wad of cash in front of LE HD and tell him you'll throw in the BBK for free if they'll let you walk out of there on a new discontinued American Sportbike.
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