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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. When you say the word "Coshocton" - what's her first reaction? Anything? It's pertinent to the history of the bike, trust me.
  2. i like this guys thinking! bottles for product! Funny on so many levels. I don't exchange things for promises of beer anymore. I was promised some Yuengling awhile ago and that debt has never been paid.
  3. I don't understand this concept... it's like 'tag' but with fake bloody masks on? What would constitute a grab? I'd go in lower my shoulder and hope that someone wasn't big enough to hold their ground. Probably not the idea the place would be going for though. I'm with Nick, I lose all 'suspension of disbelief' knowing it's fake going in.
  4. Mj wouldn't date anyone that looked sexier than her in a thong.
  5. If he's not pulling the wheel up at all on the launch... he's not doing it right. From the sounds of it he was pussyfooting the launch by slipping the clutch WAY too much, and if the bike doesn't get out ahead on the launch, it's going to have a tough time run running down a turbo car because they shine on the top end while the 'busa would just run out of steam. Cool car, but I don't want to see the bill for the AM work done to it.
  6. Been there, done that. Except it was for a lot less money, and it wasn't random. That's all I can say.
  7. No it's because she has a false sense of security that because she's up higher the vehicle is inherently "tougher". I'd love to have a daily driver car, but my S-10 is like a hammer in my toolbox. You don't NEED it everyday, but you're S.O.L. when you do and don't have one.
  8. I'll let you have a pass there... my g/f is the same way. Refuses to drive a car because she thinks sitting up higher in an Equinox is safer. Fine, don't listen to an engineer, dear.
  9. I don't trust you. I need to ask someone experienced in 14 y/o trim. PM sent to wrillo to weigh in on this thread.
  10. Who would get a 4 door truck? Ext cab or regular FTW. You want 4 doors... get a sedan. I've put the Hurricane and the SV in the back of mine... no issues.
  11. But it'll increase the condom budget... so isn't it a wash?
  12. I am, and it is, but I still love it. It's the HD 883 of the Truck world.
  13. Find a Sears Hardware... if they don't have it, you'll have to order it over the net, or make your own.
  14. How do you pull any trim w/ that? Can't even go two-up. Unless I'm missing seeing the pillion seat.
  15. We're not over this yet? If people are blaming CbrGirl then it's a reading comprehension issue... Point me in the direction of the fresh new smelly pile of drama on here, pweese. This thread lacks the excitement it once did.
  16. I haven't ridden a Tuono, but the Superduke was cool. Having an SV1000S, the Superduke is like having an SV that's been massaged. The SV is 85% of what the Duke is at 1/3rd the price. I guess if you want one as a status symbol or something. I'd choose whatever one has the least expensive aftermarket/maintenace costs.
  17. Yea, like the bar owner would put any pics of the NON-hotties that frequent the joint. Look at you two... falling for the teasers. There are one or two hot waitresses, but what are the odds you'll get one in our section?
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