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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. How is a truck 90% being sold? It's either sold or it isn't. Be quite interesting if that other 10% never gets completed because the uncle doesn't have the coin or the credit. That last 10% can be a pretty big sticking point.
  2. This is how I KNOW I was censored. I got rep for posts that no longer "exist" apparently: N/A 09-29-2009 07:39 PM LMAO @ lol, wut? ~ [name redacted] N/A 09-29-2009 07:26 PM oohh man, yous in troubles!! -[name redacted] N/A posts... where'd they go? People (and by people I mean - whatever Mod deemed those inappropriate) seem a little too uptight... why's it a big deal that I was joking around with Wheez and bustin' him and Ninjachk's chops? It was all in good fun, I wasn't wishing ill will upon them or anything.
  3. I'm jealous, I've always wanted to try this race. I just don't have the shop or equipment to build the car. And, I lack the appropriate racing license. Good luck to you guys. I look forward to seeing pictures on Jalopnik.
  4. This thread is boring now. I can't believe I got 'mod'-ed Free speech! Free speech!
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgMix-Ui-FY&feature=player_embedded
  6. I see what you did there jbot.
  7. I'm actually doing a 'sight seeing ride' on Saturday with the woman, so I probably will be working on that 'honey-do' list on Sunday.
  8. I wonder what His plan is for the Browns? I'm pretty sure it's His fault they're always losing. Quinn was from Notre Dame afterall..
  9. Well, they said they'd call back around noon... obviously they didn't, so when Kevin called at 4, the TBSS was getting the papers done as they spoke. So, he would've had at least 4 hours to get down there an make an offer prior to the uncle if the dealership followed through. You're right, no one knows what the salesman's morning was like... and maybe it was too much to ask that they'd call when they said. I know, peoples' lack of follow through on everything I deal with on a daily basis - so if you wanna fault Kevin for not being super persistent about it, that's your prerogative. I dunno. I understand how Kevin feels because I was there, but I know how cutthroat and "no love lost" dealer attitudes are too... so, Kevin told his story and you guys are going to judge it accordingly. But, the important thing is the experience is out there to let you judge if that's the kind of dealership you want to work with - right, wrong, or indifferent.
  10. I guess you would've had to been there to get the 'vibe' too.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbYtqAWDF2U
  12. It was still a dick move for them to avoid calling Kevin back. I mean, if it was sold, they could've let him know like they said they were going to. Luckily it wasn't a completely wasted trip since I had to run out there anyway (I appreciate that Kevin drove too thx), but it still could've been handled in a more upfront and honest manner from the get go. The only thing that I see that went wrong was that Kevin wasn't able to call them beforehand to make sure they still had the vehicle. It just happened to be a bad assumption (which usually isn't) that it'd still be on the lot when the dealer was still open. If it was a first come first serve dealership - technically, Kevin would've been first unless the tech himself was going to buy it.
  13. Except the rumor that you come from a rich family heritage of Russian contortionists - that one is true.. That's why I nicknamed you "Bendy"
  14. Yea... umm, I appreciate the thanks, but that wasn't me. I think a Mod is lurking about. Now, who has moderator powers that could remove things about them in the thread? Hrrrrmmmmmm...
  15. If you ain't gonna give it up, I'm gonna make it up. Though you're being AWFUL defensive... which is suspicious. But hell... just look at your sig:
  16. Too late, cat's outta the bag now boyyyieeeeee You wouldn't give it up, so I figured it out.
  17. Ok, you might not've banged her yet... but are in the process of trying. Deductive reasoning FTW.
  18. I'm an engineer... I spend all day solving problems. Right now my problem is not knowing who you're banging and not telling us - it's someone we all all know or you wouldn't have been so cheeky about it earlier in the thread. I'm going to go workout... I'll have it figured out by the time I'm done. T-minus 2 hours...
  19. Mj was in here, Pratt was in here - so obviously they're out... what other lady-folk do we have on here that good ol' boy Lance would be talking to? I'm not a private dick, but methinks she's on the board and keeping quiet.
  20. Can you at least say if she rides a motorcycle (or used to)?
  21. Speaking of humping... we're all still interested in what kinda 'cat' your 'dog' dragged in...
  22. This is getting too lovey-dovey in here. It's making me lose my appetite too. Lance loves and misses everyone!
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