I'm not butthurt. Just looking for an explanation. Chill. I'm not getting riled up here...but, sounds like someone else might be getting a little butthurt. I didn't start this thread, but I think the posts I make are relevant to it. And while we're discussing policy I'm trying to determine where it stands. The Admins and Mods have every right to play judge/jury/executioner, but the goal is not to abuse that power and I'm not saying Carie (or Ben, or...) did that. I undertand it was at your request to move the thread out of public view. I get that too. What I don't understand is why they should honor that request if no one had broken any rules? I'm completely guilty of saying out of line things, but I think if I post them on the internet then I'm stuck with the consequence of letting my emotions or un-politically correct opinions get the best of me. And, the goal of leaving it up publicly is to remind myself and everyone else that we all have weak moments - and we need to do our best to control ourselves to keep those moments from becoming a pattern of behavior. After these moments are out in the public wilds of the internet, the best you can do is issue an apology and hope everyone forgets about it in a few weeks - which most likely would've happened because most people here have the attention span of mice on crack, or at the very least until the next persons' drama bubbles to the surface. It is my opinion - and only my opinion - that your request was an overreaction. The mods then honored your request, but should they have? Or, should you have taken your lumps (ie. good natured ribbing) and let the thread die a natural death? And that's why I was asking what the justification was for removing the thread - just so I can better understand the policies on this site. I don't have to agree with the policy, but will have to live with it if I want to participate in the benevolent dictatorship that is ORDN. If I can ask a moderator to remove a thread at my behest, then I want to know. If I say something that I think may be inappropriate and want it redacted from ORDN, I want to know that I won't be treated any differently. And if I can't get it redacted, then there's always this thread to find discussing these policies. The admins/mods do their best at balancing their personal bias for people of the site versus their duty to be unbiased - it's a tough job, like Casper said, there's a bunch of behind the scenes stuff we never see. I respect that, I just want documented clarification just in case any issues arise again in the future.