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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Reading both the FOR and AGAINST arguments... There's still a loophole or two that needs closed. Are these loopholes big deals? Potentially, but I need to read the boilerplate agreements that other states are running on. That'll show if this proposal was tailor written to exploit things that they wish they could in other states, or if they're just taking legislation from another state and adapting it to Ohio. If the other states aren't exploiting the same loopholes, there's probably a reason why they're not and it'd keep the ones in Ohio from doing the same thing. I dunno
  2. Loved to pieces still sounds like it could be painful. Kinda like how Roy from Siegfried and Roy was "loved to pieces" by his white tiger.
  3. I wonder how many times that excuse flies in the ER when they're removing the shampoo bottle from your ass... "Showering in the dark, eh? Third time, huh? Got it. Sure you were."
  4. I'll need a refresher course on how to control a sportbike @ < 10mph.
  5. ^--- what she said. Chicks do silly things when they're vulnerable. What better place to prey on that than a hospital? "No baby, you're still sexy TO ME with that huge scar on your leg" The "to me" is important - gotta keep them in check. Don't want them thinking anyone else would love them w/ that hideous imperfection on their bodies.
  6. Like how visiting chicks in hospitals makes the likelihood of getting tail later much greater.
  7. Did you let her do two or three more so she'd at least have enough to get a buzz?
  8. Would be a conflicting/alternative ride to this one: http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=34987
  9. That's a good tune. I like the new Chevelle song - Jars http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mBEAH5HZa4 And the new one for Lebron's movie by Drake, Kanye, Lil' Wayne and Em - Forever http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HdFt8sHIpQ
  10. Ohh yea... slabbing back to DTown has to be as bad as going back to Painesville.
  11. I think Parks needs to ride up here and give us all free bikini bike washes.
  12. Srsly... I feel bad slocum... you hoofed it over and the ride turned wet and ghey. Not only that, but now the bike is dirty . And, it turns out the SV isn't a big fan of the water, it stalled 3 or 4 times sitting at the stoplight trying to come home, and it didn't run right the whole 3/4 mile back to my place when I did get it fired up. It's sunny as I look out the window from my office chair.
  13. It's not looking good. I was up to maybe make it, but I'm going to hang at home until about 8:15 checking the weather... I'm already gassed up and ready so if I make it I'll be there right around 8:30AM, but it's not looking pretty - the only place to ride is West. And that part of the state is Akron/Canton area might not be bad?
  14. Maybe I'll just ride two-up with you. "Just go Justin... ohh it's warm"
  15. And you run a business? How do you solve a problem without understanding a root cause? If you sell hamburgers and people decide not to patronize your establishment because they don't like lettuce, and you try to change the quantity of beef - you'll still lose customers. Of COURSE it matters WHY. I knew that was coming. We're not investors in the traditional business sense of the word. Just like we're not investors in the military. We don't put money towards them expecting a profit at some later date. Neither are a lot of private industries... and per your link: And the rest of the link further reinforces the effect the downturn of the economy had, along with the $6B in cost cutting measures the USPS HAS accomplished, they just happen to not be enough yet. You're wrong. The USPS has dealt with the downturn like every other private org. They've reduced costs $6B - it's right in your press release you quoted: They've raised priced too, but no one said that was the first and only option. And this is one of those "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situations - You'll complain about the inefficiencies of the USPS and how they never make money because they're gov't run, but now you're saying it's bad business to raise prices to bring them more in line with a private sector company to MAKE profit. So they can't win in your mind no matter HOW they run the business. Again, it IS important to understand the root cause, and AGAIN, they've taken cost cutting measures and established efficiencies in certain areas to better serve their customers - in addition to raising the cost. But, it wouldn't matter to you because they're evil and wrong no matter what direction they take because it's not run "privately". Hate to break it to you, skippy, but I work in R&D... and I've worked on gov't projects outsourced to the private sector. So, I'm well aware there's non-gov't R&D going on. But, the risk and magnitude of some of the R&D projects is much too great for any private sector company to take on... and some flop, some don't. But without the gov't contributions we wouldn't have a lot of the advanced technology that we have today. DARPA anyone? Fifth time - it's not a bailout, it's restructuring to a non-profit. Second sentence: What's included and what's out of Senator Max Baucus's bill? Well, you won't find any public option. [cite] Which is the congressional Democrats main plan right now that the 56% you cited, oppose. Maybe, but what mathematical model do you suggest we run then? The 4% is a reasonable compromise between the fact that no ALL of that 4% use health care, and that maybe a subset of that 4% accounts for more than their fair share of the average cost. The 4% accounts for the offset in those mitigating assumptions. How do you suggest we model it? Yep, that was my mistake. After double-checking, I forgot to take 5% of the 15% chunk, not 5% of the whole pie as I previously stated. You do read my posts. Still $100B is 3333% larger than the post office subsidy. Not only that, but that's 5% more relative to GDP, the other countries don't have GDPs as large as ours either, so dollar-to-dollar if you compared those figures rather than percentages, it'd show a larger discrepancy. Phew, I was getting tired. I appreciate you letting me have the last word on this.
  16. You said you heard a *pop* huh? That's tough, if it was a *rugga rugga whirrrrr bang* or a *screech whizzzz burgle burgle fizzz* then I might be able to help you. You sure it wasn't a *pop pop chug clunk*?
  17. No, but you should know better than to give me ideas.
  18. But can you prove they're losing customers BECAUSE of the rate change? Or is it some other reason? Correlation is not causation. They're still the only game in town that'll get a physical piece of paper from one part of the country to another without any other wired or wireless piece technology. But we're not investors, and I dunno where you're getting this $7B number. I read the 10Q for the Q3 financials (Q3 for USPS is Apr-Jun since their fiscal year is Sept to Sept)... and their recent loses are attributed more to the economy as a whole than anything else and are undergoing cost cutting measures just like any "for profit" company would. http://www.usps.com/financials/_pdf/FinalQuarterIIIFY0910Q.pdf Read page 29. There's a lot of other details in there that paint a much better, much more "full" picture of the happenings at the USPS. Read the 10Q, a lot of private sector companies are in this same boat due to the recent economy. The USPS is doing what they can to recover from the downturn. Gov't organizations are not immune to the economy. The trend I was referring to was 2002-2004 data because you requested I review historical data. The 2006-2008 data, volume had declined, once again... that's more a result of the economy as a whole than USPS efficiency. If you left some industries up to market forces, some wouldn't exist. The gov't is the only entity that can spend massive amount of R&D without ever requiring a product to go to market, but that's how we learn. That's how we end up with F22s and Missile Defense Systems. Who is the private sector would've taken that risk on without financial backing from the gov't? You can put your entire faith in the 'capitalism' hat, but that would be a logical error. That's kind of the point... I can opine that copper colored motorcycles are the best color ever, but that doesn't make it truth. I never put words in your mouth, you said your concern was "gov't controlled media" - I said, they already do, but you don't get your pitchfork out and raise a fuss about what news your local radio affiliates, or FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC present. You sit there are eat it up knowing that these are 'for profit' companies feeding you an agenda. You KNOW that, but aren't upset that Rupert Murdoch controls what you see, only Obama and the gov't. Not to put the 2+2 together here, but this bill didn't contain a public option - so given that the Rasmussen poll you cited that said the majority didn't like the bill as presented, and the poll I cited that said that the majority favor a public option... I mean, I don't have a fancy venn diagram in front of me, but I can only guess that part of the majority that doesn't like the current bill BECAUSE it doesn't include a public option. As they're overlapping subsets of each 'A or B' poll. There's about 12M illegals [cite] over a population of 300M+ - so about 4%... you're saying that then 4% makes that much of a difference? Ok, adjust all the figures down 4% of their current total...(which assumes WORST CASE scenarios that ALL the illegals use medical services, which is a total BS assumption since IRL it'd be much less) in both scenarios, the US still spends more. So, once again, you fail to prove your hypothesis. Ohh I dunno... because 5% for the USPS = $3B (5% of $70B) and 5% for Health Care = ~$600B Ya know since its relative to the entire GDP of the US which is...umm, $13.8T Or, only 20,000% MORE than the USPS subsidy. That's why.
  19. Holy shit this thread blew up whilst I slept. You fuggers! If duc1098, r1, Inya, Doom are ALL going, I don't want to be left out - It'll hurt my fragile ego and self-esteem if I'm not included. BYOS at my place... quite the alternative plans.
  20. http://forums.13x.com/showthread.php?t=229298 I felt sorta bad for the guy, so I cross posted it on here to continue to egg on the "Hayabusa's can't turn" hater club.
  21. But they can't raise rates!! They'll lose customers - so says you, we had that discussion remember?? http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=335388&postcount=23 Yet, now you acknowledge they can and do turn a small profit.A far cry from this post (http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=335312&postcount=17) Heavily subsidized to you apparently means < 10% (closer to 5%). Even if turning a small profit is because they raised revenue by increasing the price to the end consumer - it's still profit. So first, you say it won't work because raising prices diminishes the customer base, yet now you're saying that "well, it only worked because they raised prices" :confused: And I looked at the financials from 2004, 2003, and 2002. http://www.usps.com/history/anrpt04/ If you look, the trend is to have a higher throughput of mail, with less employees on the payroll... that would make them, sorta, ya know, more efficient - something a GOV'T organization would NEVER do, eh? They also had net income in 2004 and 2003 which far surpassed the loss they took in 2002. Thus over 3 years, net income was around $6.1B. So, the fact and figures fail to align with your thesis and conclusions. Product safety? What about the EPA and CARB, they don't have anything to do with product safety? And why are you ok with gov't intervention in the instance of product safety anyway? Why should the manufacturer of a vehicle (or the gov't) CARE if you survive an auto accident? You said it wasn't about CARING. Talk about a nanny-state. According to you, the guy who manufacturers a hair dryer shouldn't care if electric current leaks from the blower motor and maims or kills the user? Ford already figured out the exact monetary value your life is worth after that whole Pinto gas tank explosion case, so they were willing to risk your life against the $200-some odd thousand dollar chance (avg. lawsuit settlement) that you wouldn't be killed in a fiery rear end collision. So - if you don't want the risk, don't buy the product right? Or, are you flip flopping on that stance now too? No one is PROPPING up anything, it's REVIEWING a PROPOSAL to RESTRUCTURE. That's #4. And you can disagree all you want, but until you find evidence in this instance you're grasping for straws on that argument. Regardless, the gov't already intervenes in the press - what do you think the FCC and the Censorship Board do? At least we're clear now. They're not opposed to health care reform, just the current proposal - which isn't set in stone. I'm not surprised, shocked, or concerned by this. It's still in draft stage. Why is GDP more relevant? Cost per capita is more relevant, we spend more PER PERSON than other countries. Regardless, it paints the same picture. 15.2% per GDP in the US, and 8% in Japan - and that's 2003 data, the gap has only gotten wider since then. So how now brown cow?
  22. Solution: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/products/download.html?product=firefox-3.5.3&os=win〈=en-US
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