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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Mad props to r1crusher and Kosmo for making it out to the track with me and hanging with me for the evening even after they were done racing. Kosmo popped a bunch of his cherries tonight (1st trip to Norwalk, first time down a dragstrip, first round win). Actually all three of us were round one winners. Good times fellas!
  2. All these people online and we've got nothing to talk about besides how many people are online. Time to hit the track...
  3. L:"Paladins can't wear helm of disintegration." P:"Oh. Well then I'm a black guy."
  4. I just saw him on some talk show asking him about why he was on Twitter... his response was something to the effect of "It's the latest greatest form of open communication in this technological age." I assume if he's capable of ordering an aide to do it for him, congresspeople can too. I wasn't really paying attention as I was 'indisposed' at the time.
  5. I guess the "not based on reason or actual experience" disqualifies a lot of my question. But, you'd still be called a racist if you walked to the other side of the street if you saw a group of hispanics or blacks walking toward you. Why'd you move to the other side of the street? Was it because you're racist? You're prejudice? Or, you have statistics and facts that say you're more likely to encounter hostility because you're not hispanic or black?
  6. Dude, McCain is twittering now... if he can use the interwebs, Congresspeople should know at least how to delegate to an aide or something. "Hey you, page. Put this up on your Facebook or something. The people want to read it"
  7. So, just based on statistics, its OK for me to be a little prejudice based on race? Remember that Prejudice != Racist. That is a serious question. Because on one hand, each of us is an individual, but as we get lumped into larger pools of people, trends develop and emerge. So, if I do not know YOU from another person, is it ok for me to base my behavior on statistical trends (race, heritage, sex, religion) until I do get to know you as an individual?
  8. Interesting, but I'd like to read excerpts from the actual bill. There are some things that I like, some things I can tell were compromised, and some things I'm not fond of. The issue I have is trying to critique the decisions that were made without seeing big picture numbers on what drove these decisions to be made. It's one thing to say $3800 fine for a family without insurance, it's another to understand why the "fine" was the course of action they took, how they arrived at that number, what data was available, and what assumptions were made.
  9. No, more intermission! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxtmQDCyLE8 "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" (stretch)
  10. Hey look, a political thread, I wonder what's going on in he....
  11. Yes, lanes will be open for ALL from 5:30 to 7:30 (or 8, depending on the crowd). If it's $12 to race or watch anyway, why not leave the option open to make a couple passes? If you want to make first round eliminations fine, if not, just don't roll into the lanes when they call for the bike class. Or, you could race me first round and just hand me the win for that round . You will need a helmet, gloves, and a long sleeve "jacket" (which, sweatshirts seem to be acceptable) - though not recommended.
  12. You can either be at my place, or the Subway on the corner of Chestnut Ridge & Rt. 57. Say... 4:45?
  13. Kosmo... when you get there... just tell them you're racing so you get an ET card. That way if you change your mind you can race. Even if you don't... you can take a few time trials down the track before the racing starts. Just as a reminder - $12 (cash), race or watch. ...and $1 for the pound of ice cream special for dinner.
  14. Well, since you can't seem to fit a drag racing night into your schedule... You might as well paint your bike yellow because I think you're pissing in your pants worried about running against the 'busa.
  15. bump ttt, if no one is interested, I'll go play some volleyball instead.
  16. I hope you don't mean that, literally.
  17. Way to go, Inya. You took it easy on him.
  18. ...but you get free bumps everytime. See, don't ever say I never did anything for you - regardless of the subject matter. I'm just sticking around to see who "wins" the bike - Likwid or Sambusa
  19. For your g/f's sake, you better hope so or else she's gettin' a JRM special ejaculation exfoliation. And @ Likwid: 'Tis better to ask for forgiveness than permission.
  20. Dammit... I should've waited and repped you for the response... blew my rep too soon. Story of my life. More importantly, do you take a check?
  21. Would you throw in a pukeless BJ from the missus for an extra $50?
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