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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. ...black and full of bumps ...with skidmarks ...having an 80,000lb weight limit ...under construction 24/7 ...slippery when wet ...replaced or resurfaced every 10 years
  2. I probably shouldn't have bought that pint of Ben and Jerry's "Drowning in Vanilla" . My freezer is a dangerous place... especially if you look behind the dead hookers.
  3. Foreskin? srsly? We may have to start a new thread with a poll...
  4. Right on Fabio, good times... in fact, we made GREAT time with just us three. Stopping at the Iron Pony, ftw! Just keep on the board... we might right this weekend again. I'm going to play it by ear with the weather. Greg didn't txt me or anything about his ride, but I bet Uncle Punk probably knows how it went.
  5. "I will SHIT in your MOUTH." That usually leaves a good impression on people.
  6. Disclaimer

    kahoots girls

    at Kosmo & Justin. I too have high standards, but I still <3 u Kos.
  7. Wait... lemme check...Are you still drunk saying that, or do you mean it?
  8. Your own drunk thread? You're only going to post here, in this thread, when you're drunk? So, you're going to be cognizant enough to find this thread while drunk, but not going to be cognizant enough to know better when to STFU? I'm confused
  9. To his credit, at least he didn't stalk any members to Wendy's with a video camera. F*(kin' Ohio Posers.
  10. "That's got 'trackdays' written all over it" "It'll still turn better than a 'busa" ....
  11. Superman theme song?? It probably goes more like this when you're doing it with your gimp leg. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueywqUBW3oM :D
  12. ^--- he said 'bone on bone'. Nothing will stop this guy from man loving with r1crusher. lulz.
  13. You can tag me in for a few months while you recoup. I promise to tag out when you're better. I'm "The Animal"
  14. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=29180&highlight=Kayleigh
  15. There's been no less than 5 other threads on it. http://www.ohio-riders.com/search.php?searchid=488933
  16. No facebook @ work... I'll need to sticky this.
  17. He's hamming it up for the cameras as far as I'm concerned. If he acted like that IRL, then I'd agree with you. Not that I've met the guy...
  18. I never did the diet, but I went through the 90 days, twice. I'd never done videos before because I thought they were , but now I think Tony Horton is the man. For being an ex-athlete, that stuff was way harder than I thought it'd be. Now I do one or two tapes a week between my cardio routine. My best 10k is 45:38 right now, which for a guy >200lbs I think is doing well. Plyometrics can bite my ass (it's the hardest tape in the series as far as I'm concerned).
  19. That is a nice looking 'rado. I just want it to be 4WD.
  20. I tell you what, it's a good thing you made the dropoff to Kosmo... he really saved your ass. The people at the M&G wanting the free shit you promised them were like rabid monkeys.
  21. They'll probably just tell her she has the right to punchisize her landlords face.... for free!
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