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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Good god! The sheepmanity of it all.
  2. He's new here, take it easy. --------------------^
  3. Ohh yea, you're a dicktease too... but for different reasons
  4. So, both Punk and KawiKid are leaving us with NO SIDES to the story. Thanks for giving us the "information blueballs", ya dicks.
  5. I learned ORDN is on Twitter today.
  6. Anyone interesting in racing tomorrow night out there? I'm considering going...
  7. I would love to see some Mj on the TV...
  8. <--- that smiley doesn't typically indicate delight. I never said you didn't... just that I couldn't. It was about me. I just can't believe I'd be so selfish and narcissistic to think about MY feelings and not of the feelings of the "collective".
  9. If that is real... that's hilarious. Must be a "furniture store"-thing because Norton's Furniture has some pretty WTF commercials. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztzPlgm_S4w
  10. WoW. I can't say you guys don't have entertaining rides... sounds like a multi-fail on this one. You, however, escaped unscathed, aside from freezing and having a runny nose regardless of Jinx's reputation. Great writeup Todd. Fabio was asking if I'd heard anything about your 'Ducati' ride. Good to see you got a bike to borrow. Our ride down 83 to 36 to 79 was much less eventful aside from almost hitting 2 squirrels and a boxer-sized mutt in the middle of the road. Should've came to the meet&greet - at least you KNEW you were stopping for food. Rob and Fabio were both on time too.
  11. Google + my nerdgasmic knowledge of internet pop culture. Sorry I couldn't brighten your day Todd. I can't imagine what life would be like if I was that uptight all the time.
  12. Glenn Beck - Common Sense 09-15-2009 06:45 AM For whining about rep --the rep fairy No one is whining, just making it public to show we still have petty anonymous tools on here. I wonder who was reading this thread at 6:45 AM?
  13. Holy shit, there's a black bear in there! No shots of you wrassling it to the ground w/ your bare hands, eh? Nice pics.
  14. Disclaimer


    I want on this bandwagon too!
  15. Disclaimer


    You can't look into my eyes or you'll turn to stone. You're welcome.
  16. teh hotness (maybe NSFW?) http://media.funlol.com/content/img/strange-blow-up-doll.jpg
  17. ^--- has high standards. Kay is *meh* cute, but not as cute as what I come home to each day. If you're gonna trade, you gotta trade UP not DOWN....
  18. This is better... and more disgusting.
  19. The rep fairy is lurking... Glenn Beck - Common Sense 09-14-2009 11:31 PM god you're dumb The funny thing is... it's rep NOW for a post in July. But, props to them for the grammatically correct 'you're'. Still too skeerd to come out from hiding behind anonymous rep for a real debate though. Here fairy fairy fairy.
  20. +1, that HD asshat probably doesn't even live in Ohio anymore.
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