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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Funny how that works... my "charm" is missed by many. Thanks for showing up to the M&G on time though. Classy.
  2. Looks like you got one of them fancy feng-shui Japanese toilets.
  3. I'm lost. I sent him a txt using 811.com. And wait for you? You dropped off the face of the earth... didn't even get a reply when I facebook'd you.
  4. Yea, I rode the copper SV there. I was wondering who had the other dark cherry SV with the full fairing set on it.
  5. Getting to meet me is a lot less exciting than you're making it out to be. We were there from 12:45PM to 3PM.
  6. Had a good ride with robsgsxr1000 and Doomking today. Rt 79 was fun.
  7. If we don't have to pick up Doom's guy at Lodi, we'll skip that stop and just get gas in Millersburg or Coshocton. Any of you Akron/Canton guys piping up? If we don't have to meet any of you, we might just skip the second stop and get gas in Coshocton. I'll be checking back in the AM to see if any of you have left PM or posts on here before I leave for the Circle K. If we miss any of you (since I don't have contact info for anyone but Matt [Likwid]) we'll just see you at the M&G.
  8. After we get the M&G, we don't have to "stick to the group" - if you wanna stop, eat, then leave right away - fine. If you want to hang for a little while, then 3 or 4 leave as a group - fine. I mean, after we hit the M&G don't feel you have to stick around for all of us. Like I said, I'll probably roll out around 4PM and slab it home - if a few of you come with me, awesome, if not - the ride on the highway isn't near as spirited or fun as the ride down, so if I'm stuck alone - no biggie.
  9. I haven't sent Greg a message yet, but I figured he may have liked to ride with us at least until Rt 79/Rt 16... then he can break off and go find 555, 666, 669 or wherever he wants to go. Who said anything about cages?
  10. ^---- was this posted in the right thread? I'm lost...
  11. Seems like there is a consensus. 8AM @ Circle K, be gassed up and ready to roll, we hit the road at 8:10 sharp. We shoot to Lodi for stop one, should be around 25-30 minutes after we leave. So Lodi around 8:30... have your buddy meet us on the SOUTH WEST SIDE of the SR-71 exit, more towards Congress so we has one less person to have to attempt to get across the highway with the traffic there. I think there's a Duke or BP station - and if he's on the west side of the intersection we can pull in and all leave via a right-turn instead of trying to cross both lanes. Stop #1: Lodi = 8:30AM. This will NOT be a gas stop. Stop #2: Millersburg = 9:15-9:25AM. This will be a gas stop - what station? I dunno. Whatever one is along Rt 83 in Millersburg near the town square. It's 104 miles to the pig iron BBQ after that. This should give the cruiser guys a chance to top off in Millersburg. The SV has 160 mile range, so I'll be fine to get to the BBQ, but as we get closer to Cbus (once we get off of Rt. 79) the cruisers can lead and we can stop at a gas station on the east side of Columbus (Newark/Granville area) if people are worried about mileage. Hopefully the stops in Lodi and Millersburg will be enough to account for everyone that wants to caravan in to this shindig. Also, I'll give the UP-speech on here and repeat it for the guys on Sunday @ Circle K, but please ride your own ride. Do not ride over your head trying to showboat or keep up with the faster guys (this probably isn't too important until we get south of Millersburg). Depending on the size of the group, we will be stopping and accounting for everyone at each turn and each Stopping Point (A,B,C, & Iron Pig). It'd also be wise to have at least one other buddy (or 2 or 5) that you can contact via cell or can contact you if you get lost or split from the group. The general plan is that we could probably regroup before we get on 270 or near our gas stop between Newark and Iron Pig BBQ, then we can spend the last 20 or so miles riding in a group with everyone allowing us to roll in as a group. I've marked the stops on this map (A,B,C). I think this should give us a general direction for planning this thing.
  12. Condolences to Gavin and yourself, jagr.
  13. Tragic, but you're still here, so keep in good spirits as best you can. Get in rehab, you'll pull through this.
  14. We can do that... if that'll work for Doom and you. I'm only 10 mins from there. Weather is still looking good so far.
  15. Actually one of my coworkers bought one... we'll see how it is when he gets it.
  16. I must've missed that thread. I don't recall him ragging on ORDN people for being slowpokes? Who'd he ride with? Jinx said he didn't want to run 'em, and Jinx looks the least intimidating on a motorcycle - fistfight, that's a diff story.
  17. Good to hear. Thx for the report!
  18. Well, whatever you guys want... I know 83 is the most convieniet place to pick up people as it's due south for us and everyone can meet us along 83... SOMEWHERE, be it at 71 or 62 or whereever. But, I'm not suggesting we take 62 into Cbus again - the ride across town sucked. I'd almost want to take 83 all the way down to Coshocton to hit some curves in the AM prior to heading west into Cbus. Proposed Route 1 (Ride 666): 174 miles claiming 5h 2m Advantages: Lots of twisties, new road experience (666) Disadvantages: Would need to leave ample time for picking up people, waiting on the slower paced guys, would probably require someone with a GPS once we get to the Conesville/Dresden area (just in case - and I don't have one), would have to leave around 7AM from my house to be on time everywhere else. Proposed Route #2 (Ride 79): 161 miles claiming 4h 29m Advantages: All state routes (harder to get lost), twisties, slightly shorter, new road experience (Rt 79), would be able to leave home around 8AM to pick everyone up. Disadvantages: Would need to leave ample time for picking up people, waiting on the slower paced guys, Slight backtracking back north out of Coshocton, still longer than a direct route (but what fun is that?). I have Google Maps of both routes if you want to look at them, I just didn't want to post them publicly, PM me. Once we get near Columbus, there is a few miles on the freeway (270 to 71) just to avoid the surface streets and stoplights and my bike temp going up to 230*F again. The key to any and all of this to work out time-wise is for everyone to be ON TIME. If I go direct from Rt 83/82 meetspot, I can be in Millersburg in just about an hour (per last M&G). Again, this all depends on peoples paces and punctuality. Which is how I ended up in Millersburg last time, waiting for about 2 hours (between me leaving early and my group showing up slightly late). I was at the M&G from like 2PM until 5:30PM last time. My preference is to get there around 12:30 and stay until 4ish (the crowd thins out around 4:30ish) that should put me home just before 6 (assuming we just slab it home on SR-71 - no "fun" on the way home)... but getting home before dusk would be a good thing. Those are my suggestions - take a little morning "fun ride/scenic route" to the M&G, visit w/ folks, get food, then slab it on the way home - most people will just ride SR-71 until their exit and then part from the group. Those are my thoughts... anyone else? If someone else wants to lead, that'd be great too. I can, but I'm not Uncle Punk or Jinx -good.
  19. And if so, does she have any friends that are into threesomes?
  20. What do you mean, WE? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwTZ2xpQwpA
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