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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Disclaimer


    No, the guy is right... Rossi and Duhammel have got nothing on him. In fact he's probably got something on them - about 90lbs.
  2. I need some research done on the best way to write a locktight prenup? Also, some examples of how prenups have been successfully overturned and the lessons learned on why they weren't honored per the original agreement. *Note: This is out of curiosity only... I have no life changing announcements for the board.
  3. Is your injury NOT serious enough to the point where you can still detail the hell out of bikes?
  4. ask you questions.... Hmm, does your wife swing?
  5. My other jacket is a large and it fits loose... but it's got ZERO armor in it... I bought a US 46 A* Octane suit that fits fine up top.
  6. How true is the sizing? I'm 6' 205lbs, I'd assume a 'L' would fit - but some brands are tighter and some are more loose.... where's Shift fall? Is the zipper 360*? Also, how many internal pockets are there and how big are they? Easily fit an MP3 player, cell phone, wallet, etc?
  7. I was hoping to see some designs from JRP - I heard he's good at holding the lines.
  8. Disclaimer


    Those aren't love handles, those are ab sliders.
  9. Disclaimer


    Which proves that money can't buy class :D
  10. The one on the ceiling in your bedroom.
  11. The one being held after the Pig Iron... ...at his apartment ...on his penis.
  12. No. See, that's how you know something is WAAAAY wrong if I come out of something looking like Mr. Chivalrous.
  13. Well damn, if Fonz gets a hug for snubbing him once... what do I get? JJJJJJaaaaayyyy KKKKKaaaaayyyy
  14. Maybe if the weather looks good and I can convince someone with a trailer...
  15. Yea, I did. Lessons can be learned from bustin' MJs balls Rules for busting Mj's balls: 1) Start your own thread or bust it in a thread pertinent to the event at which you felt her balls needed busted 2) Try to wait at least 3 days until after she's healed from surgery (if this is known) 3) Try to wait until you've been snubbed at least more than once 4) Use lots of smilies and 'j/k's (That's where I went wrong)
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nma-mxi_qug
  17. No, I get it... and I can take whatever ball busting you want to dish out to me. That's how we are. But, probably not the thread to call MJ out... and the timing isn't really the best.
  18. Holy Sh*t.... this thread just got real.
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