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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Disclaimer


    Max Reede: My teacher tells me beauty is on the inside. Fletcher: That's just something ugly people say.
  2. Memory leak on the server? Who gave the server gonorrhea? Wrillo must be on here too much.
  3. I agree w/ Matt, you seem like you'll fit in here. Until the first day you give bad advice, then we all negative rep the shit out of you. This will continue until you leave the site, or get a sense of humor and join the crowd. Case in point: http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=33338
  4. I'd buy him Chicken Wings if he'll promise NOT to do the event
  5. Dear Matt, Unfortunately, we at Pepsi Co Inc, have a policy not to take retail sales advice from a keyboard cat. Please enjoy our 18+ artificial flavors, while they last. Ya dick. Best Regards, Mt. Dew HQ
  6. I've heard the Bersa's in .380 caliber are great, but the other calibers get mixed reviews. Lifetime warranty on the Bersas, but that doesn't mean much if your gun spends more time at the 'smith than in your holster. I don't know much about Kel-tec or Magnum Research... here's the Wiki on HiPoint though - made in Mansfield, OH. That alone makes me not trust them http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hi-Point_Firearms
  7. No... they require a helmet, gloves, and a long sleeve jacket (doesn't even have to be leather). Leg and foot protection is up to you. I'll wear jeans, my A* boots, leather jacket, helmet, and Spidi gloves, but I've seen guys in as little as a sweatshirt, tennis shoes, and Mechanix gloves. There are usually 3-5 guys in the full gear though. Not req'd for Wed night racing, but those guys also do the weekend stuff where it is - that and most of them have 8-9 sec bikes.
  8. That's funny. Baseless, but funny. Look what the rep fairy left for me: How is that hope and... 08-29-2009 12:40 AM eh, your arguments are uneducated and invalid
  9. In what manner were the winners determined? Did I miss that somewhere?
  10. Only 4 weeks left in the season out there. Weather Dependent - I was planning on going out there again. $12 race or watch. Anyone wanna meet up for a night of drag racing at one of the premiere facilities in the country? http://summitmotorsportspark.com/schedule/copy14_of_moser-hot-norwalk-nights-opening-day.ics
  11. If MJ's there, hope it's a DE-pants party.
  12. I propose we review legislation once it's actually up for vote in Congress. Rather than when people are brainstorming with off-the-wall ideas.
  13. That'd be a nice addition to the stable, but I don't want a rashed one.
  14. Disclaimer


    If at all possible... work on your own machine, or find a buddy you trust to work on it. If you take it to a buddy or someone reputable on here (like Dustin or Pauly) - even if you don't know what's going on, you can at least ask questions and learn while THEY do the work for you. Plus their eRep is on the line on here if they f*(k it up.
  15. Disclaimer


    @ Fox. That's cool you vouch for the dude, and he very well may be a cool guy IRL, but he's a dick on the 'net (kinda like me ) Obviously the tone he took on here wasn't conducive to making any new riding buddies. I believe this all started with his "running from the cops" thread where he made some comments that MANY people on here disagreed with. So, instead of taking his lumps and moving on - he kept fueling the fire. Like I said, he may be a real cool guy, but after some of the things he's posted on the 'net (like giving the +1 to running from the cops) - you gotta question some of his judgment. I mean, there are people that probably agree with him, but they're smart enough not to post that they agree with him on a public forum - that's where the judgment call comes into play.
  16. I'm glad I waited, your mother completely blew my mind. HBD though, for real. ~your potential step-father.
  17. And a virgin too, why don't you hook a brother up MJ?
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