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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. She could've written an article about how all the unemployed college kids come in and buy coffee with their parents Welfare Queen money...
  2. Yep, all his fault because everything he's implemented has been successfully passed right through congress... #Obstructionism-FTW? Though I've got no excuse for why the Dems are such pu$$ies. It seems as if GOP members are like a nagging wife. They pitch a fit over every little reasonable thing that the Dems just give up reasoning or compromising anymore regardless of the consequences... "Yes, dear"-syndrome
  3. Ohh, then I saw this today too... maybe it looks like more people are gaming the system because more people are IN the system now. Census shows 1 in 2 people are poor or low-income http://news.yahoo.com/census-shows-1-2-people-poor-low-income-054325860.html
  4. Hmm... I dunno, but if I was a betting man, I'd say I'd doubt it. I'm pretty sure the courts think there's a big difference between intentionally disseminating classified docs and negligently disseminating them. Regardless of the fact that the information is now "out there" in either case. Manning should've just thrown his discs in the trash for "someone" to find later.
  5. Me, sarcastic? Naaah. Your idea of "comfortably", and my idea of "comfortably" is probably different. If the people getting aid are happy with their life as it is, fine. What's the reason that the threshold is set to skew people towards "living off the system" rather than finding minimum wage jobs? And even at minimum wage, it's not like there's a ton of money left after expenses to save for college or put a nest egg into your 401k -- so you're still stuck supporting the elderly because they were living hand to mouth their entire lives. And then you bring kids into the picture, it's obviously their fault that their parents are poor right? (sarcasm again). So, how soon in life do they need to understand that they can't have the gameboy or cable TV because their parents are poor? How do you incentivize ambition when it's not innate? People don't even take care of themselves by eating right or exercising, so what makes you think you can somehow transform them to ambitious go-getters with some sense of self-pride -- they have to want it for themselves. Unless you want to fund giving poor people 'life coaches' or shrinks, because I doubt they have the spare income to hire someone to tell them how screwed up they are.
  6. To stop the raging jealousy/penis-envy everyone has of the "poor" because they have so many things they didn't earn and ya'll don't have -- there is a way to fix it. How about we get the gov't to make a list of things they can't have (flat screen TVs, iAnythings, a vehicle less than 3 years old), and then pay social workers to follow them around and make sure they don't get to have any of those things? *If someone gifts them an iPad, they have to return it or cut off their gov't cheese. *If they inherent a shiny new vehicle from a relative that passed, they have to sell it immediately or get cut off. Now, granted, we'll have to increase your state/local taxes to cover the added bureaucracy to make sure these poor people aren't gaming the system, but you're good for that right? You're willing to pay MORE in order to ensure these people get LESS. The only way to help the poor, is to keep them poor until they decide they don't want to be poor anymore, amirite?
  7. I like where this is going... this, along with all the other political propaganda (If you see something, say something-campaign) So I guess, no one should piss me off, because I'm just one phone call away from getting your civil rights violated, ass raped, and indefinitely detained at my whim. I just have to call before you do... :devil:
  8. I love how the girl took the time to really do a deep dive into her work, getting to know all these fraudsters on a personal level to know that they're gaming the system and it's rampant everywhere. It's obvious that everyone that shops at Walmart is likely to be a welfare fraudster. I mean, as a cashier she may come in contact with maybe 200-300 people a day, and the vast majority are obviously scamming the system on our dime. And, what about Walmart? I mean, just cashing in all that gov't money and looking the other way as these people defraud the system. I'm sure the executives are rolling their eyes at these scam artists all the way to the bank.
  9. I think my biggest issue is "coaching" (ie. play calling as you said), followed by the fact that my brain doesn't trust the QB in the pocket, so any passing plays I run are strictly shots in the dark because I don't have enough time to sit and actually look to a receiver. I check the primary receiver and throw, or don't and get sacked.
  10. I'm 3-8 at this game. #Fail Probably because I'm playing as the Browns all the time #DoubleFail And I don't understand why the RB doesn't melee kill the rushing defensive line #TooMuchBattlefield3
  11. He'll know which one is me, I'll be the guy wearing the goalie mask to keep Gen3's "fists of drunken fury" from killing my good time.
  12. Holy 14 pages of DUI/Text/OMGWTFBBQ bitchfest. I shouldn't have waited so long to follow this. The only real solution to this "problem". Assuming you think it truly is a rampant problem is: make vehicles 100% driverless (hattip to Google). Therefore no distraction issue, no DUI, no worries. Requires a mandate from the gov't + another gov't agency ensure compliance of all new vehicles (review electromechanical systems, algorithm source code, etc. almost like an extension of CARB now). Prices skyrocket for new vehicles. If a ban was imposed, I am disappointed with the supposed "Constitutionalists", that want this to be at the federal level rather than the state level. I'm also disappointed with the "follow the money"-club that didn't point out in the OP's article that: ...could possibly just be a money grab from Automotive OEs and Tier 1 Infotainment suppliers. Lobby for this mandate + higher consumer cost = profit. OnStar + OE bluetooth in my truck, FTW! Some of the other good points were already raised by various people. I just find it interesting that an article/debate such as thing brings out a lot of inconsistencies in people's views regarding the gov't as a "nanny state" vs. freedom "at a cost". /rant -------------------- Ohh, and interesting anecdote: I work with the guy sent to inspect the brakes on that bus in Missouri (I'm pretty sure he said he did this one). He does a lot of accident investigations and has a lot of gory stories he can tell - like, most of the time, they don't clean the vehicles so they can be inspected "as-is", so there are still blood/guts on the seats.
  13. Ass to mouth is ok in the heat of the moment.
  14. Of course you post the ONE incident of police being over the top, what about all the articles of the police who've been hospitalized because of all those violent, lazy hippies? So many people think this country is going to 'hell in a hand basket', yet when these Occupiers actually exercise their Constitutional rights to DO SOMETHING about it, they're looked down upon by those same armchair quarterbackers who say the country is going in the crapper. Who're the lazy ones again?
  15. Like I said, you're only getting slower old man...
  16. Wow, you're only about a year behind. :repost: http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=71411
  17. That's good, but here's another herp derp that'll give that guy a run for his money. Drunk man crashes Camaro into Mobile DUI checkpoint http://jalopnik.com/5866836/drunk-man-crashes-camaro-into-mobile-dui-checkpoint
  18. This is why I tend to get off the "jump to conclusions" mat. Time and alternative views tend to have a way of explaining the full story. Cheech is right though... still doesn't explain why the police were there trying to break up their Constitutional right to protest to begin with... Nothing like adding more debt for "priorities".
  19. Awesome. Police states work well because morally bankrupt people with bank accounts don't exist in the world. And since they don't exist we don't ever have to concern ourselves with those people getting into a position of power. Nope.
  20. The same guy that gave the order to kill Bin Laden?
  21. trawling for trouser snake
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