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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. If I bring the Hayabusa, I'll be taking it easy. I have some "kinks" I want to get worked out on that bike. I don't push that one in the turns like the SV... so I can help out wherever I'm needed since I've already accepted I'll be slowing it down. Again, IF I'm available.
  2. http://www.v-twinforum.com/forums/riders-gear-clothing-accessories/91785-chippewa-27867-red-wing-968-boots.html
  3. Let me know if you go Brian because of my inherent fear of Mexicans on motorcycles.
  4. I guess I don't understand why you're worried about what an office worker makes? That seems to be a lot of people's issue -- they worry too much about other people. "The autoworkers make too much", "The teachers make too much", "The police officers make too much"... "they make too much"-itis seems to run rampant. The odd thing is, the only place it doesn't run rampant is when it comes to CEOs or Wall Street or executives. It seems to mostly fall on the ranks of where people think their peers are. Other people only "make too much" if they live in the same neighborhood as you and make more money for what they do. Free market society right? So, it's ok for companies to make profits, but it's not ok if your neighbor makes more than you because he's a gov't employee, or an IT nerd, or a salesman. Because-- "Hey, we live next door, he's not better than me, so why is he getting paid more? Why does he have a new car? Why does he have a new (boat, jet ski, motorcycle, mistress, etc)? I deserve those things too and I work harder than he does, I'm sure." http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1259789/Why-money-CAN-buy-happiness--earn-friends.html http://boingboing.net/2011/08/17/why-poor-people-support-tax-breaks-for-the-rich.html http://www.economist.com/node/21525851?frsc=dg
  5. You don't like it? Find a job creator to pay you what you're worth. Apparenty our society thinks engineers should be paid more than laborers. and that upsets you because you've experienced firsthand how dumb they are. Why don't you just go back and get that degree so you have the slip of paper that allows society to judge you and pay you more? It's easy if those numbskulls you work with can do it.
  6. Just have a welder build another welder for you, duh. I'm sure all welders know the internals of the machine they use, just like how everyone that owns a car can build their own EPA compliant emissions system.
  7. Yea, what do you need differential equations, thermodynamics, electromagnetic field theory, and vlsi classes for you desk monkey? Pick up a welder and wrench and do some REAL work.
  8. Just what we need, people who can't afford to take care of themselves, having kids.
  9. The funny part is, there are a shittonne of 'adults' that are in that exact position.
  10. Do you have student loan debt? Besides, you have a government job... Which is the problem, right? Teachers, cops, fireman, public safety workers need to sacrifice like the rest of us. Parks, you shouldn't get a raise and we shouldn't pay for you to have health insurance on our taxpayer dime, amirite folks? Anyone want to tell that to Parks' face?
  11. What about fresh out's? Ya know, the kids with liberal arts, communications, or some other worthless degree who are 'fresh out' of school, have $80k in school debt and can't get a job in their field and end up working at piercing pagoda @ the mall for minimum wage and no benefits? Or even if they do end up in their fields, they only make $30k a year, again, without benefits, and can barely afford renting + student loan debt, food and gas, let alone all the other essentials like healthcare or retirement? What about those people?
  12. I think the "being a fuck" part comes from the other bike I own.
  13. Dead at 49 because he couldn't afford insurance: Terrible fate of Ron Paul aide emerges hours after Republican said state shouldn't provide free health care Kent Snyder died from complications caused by pneumonia because his premiums were too expensive 49-year-old was Ron Paul's campaign manager during failed 2008 bid to secure Republican presidential nomination Mr Paul told Tea Party debate people who did not have insurance should be left to fend for themselves Retired physician also said churches should step in to care for those without cover Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2037330/Ron-Pauls-campaign-manager-died-pneumonia-afford-health-insurance.html#ixzz1YM3Llp6X I dunno if that's good or bad or otherwise. Just ironic.
  14. Maybe stupid or childish, but I always seem to find myself browsing these at Walmart when I get groceries. http://www.maisto.com/index.php?option=com_wrapper&view=wrapper&Itemid=107 I have a 1:12 version of this Hayabusa, which is as close as I can get to mine as they make: And I have a 1:18 version of the SV650S, which is nearly visually identical to my 1k: They make a ton of other bikes...
  15. What is it with SV owners? $6k, really? And it's got Shinkos on it. http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/2604918699.html
  16. It's 2:45 AM, and I just got back home. So regardless of how cold I'd complain my vagina would be, I don't think I'll make it for the simply fact that I'll be sleeping. Ride safe y'all
  17. Thoughts about this, but then looked at the temps for when I'd have to leave... in the 40s, so I'm out. Besides, I was going to bring the Hayabusa, so I'd only slow you guys up. Seriously.
  18. That's weird, the only pussy I smell is you. Come closer so I can get a better whiff...
  19. I have it tentatively penciled in. I've been doing a lot of traveling for work lately, to a lot of nicer and warmer places than Ohio -- but of course I'm without a motorbike when I'm out there
  20. I'll ride sweep, I'll ride lead, I'll ride your sisters, mothers, girlfriends, and wives... as long as I can do it one one wheel, firing twin glock .40s, naked.
  21. Hey Chris... you still trying to get rid of that CBR you just wrecked? free bump for Jeff
  22. The coolest feature is how you can set it to read whatever you want, snap a photo, post it here and impress your friends. Right, MT?
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