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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I'm signed up for tomorrow. I'll see you guys there. Brian, see the PM I shot you RE: back protectors.
  2. If it's not cold as hell, I could go for a slower cruise this year.
  3. Anyone going on Wednesday? I MAY grab a last min. spot if I can find one cheap. If I do, are you gonna be there Brian with a fat kid sized back protector that'll fit under my already too tight A* suit? I'd like to run 'I' this time
  4. The hypocrisy is thick in here.
  5. All the roads worth riding are south... north is the wrong direction, my friend.
  6. Travels for work and some other "events" in life have kept me doing other things on the weekends instead *sadface*
  7. In other words... "I'll let my morals and values be bought for 20 yrs because it's damn good money that the union fought for me to have, but now that I've made my money... F*(k them unions!" Irony. Kinda like this guy: Union Bashing GOPer Received $92,273 In Disability payments from his Union
  8. I'd go, but you'd all end up single when the ride was over. My musk cannot be resisted.
  9. Can they? If I buy a managed mutual fund - I don't really get a choice. I delegate the choice to the fund manager to do the right thing for me. Kind of like how you elect people in the gov't to do the same thing. If you don't like the choices they make, you sell the fund for another one, or elect new people. Analogous.
  10. That's an old machine. Back when you had to have REAL man-talent and balls to drive. These new cars with all the stability aids make it so easy, even Tom Cruise can do it. http://www.redbullracing.com/cs/Satellite/en_INT/Video/Track-Time-With-Tom-Cruise-021243073950705
  11. Last Chance Pistol. But, it makes a nice daily carry gun - so bite me.
  12. If you're sure it's the HD, do what was suggested earlier. 1) Set BIOS to boot to a CD or USB stick 2) Put Linux on CD/USB (Knoppix worked well for me in the past) 3) Boot Linux, grab files from hard drive - save to USB stick (same one or another one) 4) Remove porn via: Larger = better. Large enough to scratch the platters, because a lot of the new HDs these days are pretty good at handling small/medium gaussian fields. Option 4 is the nuclear option -- you'll never get that hard drive back again, short of some drastic and expensive forensic methods.
  13. I forgot about the possibility of the thermal fuse... porter's right, the power supply or fans (bearing seized or just stopped working) could allow the computer to run for a short time before they heat up too much and shut down.
  14. You can support his habit - decalgirl.com I'm jealous that BMW can be an advertising writeoff because he put a sticker on it.
  15. GODZILLA! See 'em? Sneaking around in the background. Run while he's looking away.
  16. I saw a guy on a Harley wreck once - and that's why I don't ride them.
  17. I'm not well read-up on whether DDR RAM is backward compatible.
  18. Potentially fried the RAM. Potentially a boot sector issue w/ the hard drive. Potentially a video card issue. Potentially an idiot user
  19. Never put anything but FMJ through mine
  20. Why is wishing ill upon someone a 3pt violation? Do I get redeemed points if I pray in your general direction? I haz a sad I missed this stuff earlier.
  21. I wondered what happened to you. Glad you're back. I saw your old man's bike on CL too awhile back. He still riding? I know you guys have had a lot going on this past year.
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