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Everything posted by Sully

  1. I thought about doing something similar a couple years ago. Not really auction-wise, but just selling everything and leaving town. I couldn't bring myself to do it though, mainly because my friends are too important to me.
  2. This looks interesting: http://www.groovycandies.com/V2ProdDetail1.asp?Product_ID=6598
  3. Damn, didn't know that the one day tickets were gone already. That was fast. If a person wanted to go for just the one day, you might check CL or ebay for tickets.
  4. I went last year and it was only 1 day. Biggest rip-off ever! You'll have to pay for parking both days, since you are not allowed to stay overnight. Beer is $8 per 12oz bottle. Food is ridiculously overpriced. You will not be able to see all the bands. There will be some playing on the "outside" stage while there are bands playing on the inside stage. Oh, and if you want to be on the field, you have to buy a wristband, which was an extra $10 last year. There are bands playing that I would like to see, but I would rather see them individually where they will play more than 3 songs. You can also buy a ticket for one day, but with as many great bands that'll be playing, how do you decide which day to go?
  5. Huh? Nothing was moved or changed. It's always the 17th. Has been for many many years.
  6. I know it's not a picture...just watch the video. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=29808359
  7. Get an attorney and have the felony expunged. I believe you will be able to mark 'no' on future applications then. Not totally sure on that. Just ask the attorney.
  8. Sully

    Ceiling Fans

    Agreed. I had one in my last house. I already purchased one for this house. I just need to find a fan that I like.
  9. Sully

    Ceiling Fans

    Heh. I did that last night, but you can't really get a good feel for how a ceiling fan looks in a picture. I want to see it in person before I buy it.
  10. Sully

    Ceiling Fans

    Where are some places in/around Columbus to look for ceiling fans? I've been to Lowe's, Home Depot, and Wally World. I didn't like the fans at any of these places. Any other places I should look this weekend? Thanks.
  11. You are the luckiest motherfucker i know...ass. :-)
  12. Wait till it comes out on DVD so that you can get high and watch it...FTW!
  13. It may be different per residence, but my understanding is that houses like ours would be that price. But, yeah, the company handles everything. The tenants are not allowed to contact you. You even get to choose which applicants you want to move in your house. You just have to keep paying your mortgage. The company will pay it for you, if you want, but I want the peace of mind knowing that it has been paid by paying it myself. Here's a couple other things to consider though. If maintenance needs to be done to the house, let's say the water heater busts. The tenant calls the property management company. The company calls a repair company to go in and replace it. They will pay the company for parts and labor. When your check is sent to you at the end of the month, they will deduct that amount PLUS 15% as a convenience fee. OR You can ask the company to contact you whenever there is a problem. If you want and can fix it, you are allowed to. If you know of someone that can do the repairs on the cheap, you can contact them to do it. They are very flexible and just want to make you happy and get you the most money that they can.
  14. When I refinanced in February of 07, it was valued at $150K. When I was looking for my current house, my realtor said that houses my size in my area were going for about $130K. They do credit check, criminal check, predator check, all that. That doesn't mean that the tenants won't destroy the house, but this company does the best that they can to make sure they get someone in there that will most likely take care of the house. As far as animals go, it's your house. You are allowed to say, "I don't want animals living in my house". They will put that restriction on there. I'll PM you here in a little bit with their info. I should probably do some work for a while since I haven't done shit the whole hour that I've been here. :-)
  15. I've already talked to them and I know a couple people that work there. I use to work with these people for a different company several years ago. Anyway, most all of what we have is no good. I've already ripped the memory and hdd's out of the pc's. What I've found so far is that we have to pay someone to come pick the stuff up so that they can dispose of it properly. We don't want to pay someone to pick this stuff up, but no one wants to drive it anywhere to drop it off. Yeah, we're cheap and lazy. :-)
  16. Josh, You've seen my house. I'm renting it out, using a Property Management company. It's been on the market for a week and a half now. Two families have already submitted applications and one of them put a deposit on it. Even with all the foreclosures in my neighborhood, and extremely low resale values around my area, I will be getting $1,297 per month. But, $75 of that goes to the Property Management company. I don't know for sure, but I think I'm in a bit better situation than you because my mortgage payment on the house is $927 per month. After someone moves in, I'm going to do a streamline refinance on that house. My taxes were lowered last summer because of the lower value of the house, but my payment hasn't reflected that yet. Also, my home owner's insurance will drop because I will switch to landlord insurance, which will run me $300 per year. And lastly, my interest rate will be lower. With all of that, I'm figuring my payment will drop to around $800 per month. 1,297 - 75 = 1,222 - 800 = $422 per month that will go into a separate savings account for the house. This money will be used for any maintenance that is needed on the house. The company will be putting tenants in 16 month contracts. $422 x 16 = $6,752 I think it's a great deal for me. I have a house that someone else is paying the mortgage on. If the market turns around at some point and the value of my house was to go back up, I may consider selling it. The only other thing is, I had to provide a $500 maintenance deposit. When someone rents it out, I have to pay first month's rent. Basically, I won't get a check the first month. If you decide you want to rent it out, hit me up and I'll give you the name/number of the company I'm using.
  17. I've found a few places that will let you drop stuff off for free, but we'd rather have someone pick them up at our building.
  18. Here at work, we have old computers and monitors that either don't work well or just don't work at all. I have already contacted a couple places that do the recycling thing, but we have to pay them to pick them up. Does anyone know of a place that will either take them from us at no charge, or maybe even pay us a little bit for them? What does your company do with their broken equipment? I'm not going to toss them in the trash, because that's not eco-friendly or whatever, so don't suggest it. Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.
  19. Build a vehicle that will run on water. One guy did so already... but he's dead now. So, do so at your own risk.
  20. I did a brief search, but didn't come up with anything. Anyway, does anyone have a hookup for tires in the Dublin area? If so, I will be sending someone your way. 2 tires and an alignment will be needed for a Jeep Cherokee 4x4. Would like for it to be done this weekend. Thanks!
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