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Everything posted by Sully

  1. Do you have to cook your own food at the Elevator, like you do at the Melting Pot? I ask because after I saw a shitload of people on her state how awesome the Melting Pot is, I decided to take the other half and go. It was my first time there, but not hers. She never said anything to me about having to cook your own food. I was fucking pissed!! I had the most miserable dining experience EVER!!! If I wanted to pay over $100 to cook my own food, I would have stayed the fuck home. Hell, I would have been able to prepare a feast for an army at home for $100+. I will NEVER EVER go back to a place like that again. /rant
  2. How much damage was done to the Lexus? Any pics of it? Glad you're ok.
  3. SOLD!! Lock it up!!
  4. Damn dude, that sounds awesome. It makes me want to put my house remodeling on hold and get my TA modded.
  5. mmmm, chinese buffet. I really miss the Evergreen that use to be on Cemetary Rd.
  6. Every other week?? Shit, that's still too much time in between BJ's.
  7. I'd hit it... With a stick!!
  8. Holy Shit!! 27?? I remember when you started working at the hell-hole when it was under a different name. You was just a lil teeny bopper then. Wow, time does fly. Happy Birthday Shawn!!
  9. While I was in college, I was driving a 94 Geo Metro. Once I graduated and started working, I traded it in on a 96 Firebird Formula. Talk about a step up in HP. Wow!! I was 20 at the time. I knew that I had much more HP and knew that I had to learn how to handle the car with that much HP. Basically, I agree with dragknee.
  10. Glad to see you was able to accomplish your goal.
  11. There won't be any red wires. There are 2 white, 2 black, and 2 ground wires to each switch.
  12. Connected to each switch will be 2 black wires, 2 white wires and 2 ground wires. Be sure to turn the breaker off, obviously. Remove the light switch, wire nut the 2 black wires together. Wire nut the 2 white wires together. Wire nut the 2 ground wires together. Repeat this process for the fan switch. Turn the breaker on. There will now always be power going to the ceiling fan, and you will be able to turn it on and off with the remote.
  13. I've been streaming this radio station, which is in Cincy, for quite some time. Not until recently, did I start browsing their site, when I stumbled upon their photos. Enjoy. I did. http://webn.com/cc-common/gallery/
  14. Sully


    Kingy's Pizza, 33 and Hill Rd...FTW!! I had 12 hot wings and a large EBA pizza from there Friday night.
  15. Sully

    ebay strike

    This "strike" seems stupid to me. It's just like the "don't buy gas on this day" e-mail that goes around every so often. If people want to make an impact on ebay, then they just need to stop using it altogether; not just for a week.
  16. I'll take the rest of them then. :-)
  17. It looks like one of the 512MB modules in my laptop somehow messed up and started causing my computer to blue-screen. Irregardless, I am looking for a 512MB with the following specs: DDR, PC2700, 333, CL2.5 Let me know what you have and how much you want for it. Thanks!!
  18. I just look at this thread to watch your avatar!! I heart big bewbies. Free bump for you as well.
  19. Sully

    Need snow?

    I'm at work in Lockbourne and we're getting BLASTED!! I opened the front door and couldn't see the vehicles in the parking lot.
  20. Not sure if anyone here is into choppers, but I just saw this on CL and thought I would pass it along. If I didn't already have too much on my plate right now, I'd be all over this. http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/574348621.html
  21. At least HE is making money an honest man's way!!
  22. Take a look at my first post again. At 10am this morning, I edited it stating that he has found a new home.
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