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Everything posted by Sully

  1. My guess is that we just have to claim it as income when we file next year, which is understandable.
  2. Sully

    Gun Question

    I have a small handgun that was my uncle's. He passed away about 6 years ago. I'm assuming he had it registered. My aunt asked for it back a couple years ago, but it seems to be "too much hassle" for her to drive 1 and 1/2 hours down here to get it. Because of that, it looks like I'll be keeping the gun. What do I need to do to get it registered under my name? Also, I have two .410 shotguns that were my great-grandfathers. Do I need to register those or what? Thanks for the help.
  3. OMG, if they would have said Wiener Poopie one more time, I would have fallen out of my chair from laughing so hard!!
  4. Thanks for the replies and help everyone!! I'll head over to Home Depot tonight after work.
  5. What's code now-adays for 220?
  6. I just moved into an older house. My dryer's electric cord has 4 prongs, but the adapter on the wall is a 3 prong style. What should I do? Can I pick up an adapter at Lowe's/Home Depot? Can I just replace the outlet? Do I have to rerun new wire from the breaker box? I'm pretty good with electric, but this is a new one on me. Please help!! Thanks!
  7. Sorry about the messy screen guys... oh wait; you can't see that. oops!
  8. You might want to go back to where the "entrance" is and take lots of pictures showing that there aren't any signs posted.
  9. Still have the bike. I'll take $1,300 for it if you get it this week!!
  10. Yes, I still have these. Sending you a PM.
  11. I'll drop the price to $75 if someone can get him tonight
  12. http://hardwater.multiply.com/video/item/6
  13. um, this may be a dumb question. Do all dogs need to be licensed? If so, does it HAVE to be done today?
  14. OK OK OK, I stand corrected. My boss here at work just explained it to me. Yes, I'm slow. LoL!! For those who don't understand, think about it this way. Sit the plane up on jackstands. Will it take off? Of course, because the prop is pulling the air to move the plane forward. Whether you have a treadmill going the opposite direction at 200mph or not, the plane will still move forward because it's pulling air. You can also think about how fan boats work. The fan in the back pushes air to move the boat forward. If a fan boat's top speed is 60mph and it's driving against a current that is going 60mph, how fast will the boat be physically moving? Answer: 60mph. The boat is not going to stand still because it is pushing against the air, not the water. Maybe this will help to clear up the confusion...or add to it. Who knows.
  15. OK, I didn't read the entire thread so I don't know what all was said. But from the way I saw it, the plane did not stay still, which meant that the plane was going faster than the treadmill. If the plane was standing still, it would not have taken off. But, since the guy flying the plane got it going faster than the treadmill, it moved forward, which caused air under the wings, which gave it lift. When they are able to get the plane to stay still on the treadmill, then it will not fly. I have a feeling that this "myth" will create so much controversy that they will have to do it again. I thought they were suppose to keep the plane at the same speed as the treadmill, which means that it would be stationary. But that's not what they did.
  16. +1. I never understood this either. My F-1fiddy gets about 14mpg. Would I like to get a more economical truck? Sure. But it wouldn't make sense because you end up with negative equity from your current vehicle. It would take like 10 years to make up the cost difference in gas.
  17. Nice!! Makes me want to change the wheels/tires on my car again already.
  18. Sully

    Hey Tilley -

    If this works, I could get up to $2300 back.
  19. Sully

    Hey Tilley -

    Try again... https://diamondsclassaction.com/
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