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Posts posted by Sully

  1. So wait...you had her at 17?



    She's his step-daughter, but because he's been raising her since she was little, she's his daughter. I think this may help explain the current war in the house regarding this situation.


    I feel for this situation. I have a step-daughter too (she's 10) and her mom and I are always arguing over stuff about her. Her mom is too lenient. I'm too strict. However, she walks all over her mom. But she minds me 100%. I imagine within 3 years, she won't be minding me either.

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  2. Dude, I think the 3 of you need to sit down and work out a solution without arguing or yelling at each other. Be sure to let them know how you feel, but that you are willing to work out a compromise. Once an agreement has been reached, explain that if said agreement is broken, this arrangement will never happen again. I'm sorry you are in this situation, but I think you're going to have to be willing to bend your own rules a little in order to keep peace in the house.
  3. The Sprint cut your bill in half thing is pretty intriguing, but at what cost (service wise). We pay ~156/mo for my iPhone, wifes S4, and 10Gigs to share at VZW.



    Obviously Sprint service isn't as good, but they just finished a large scale upgrade last year, so it's better than it was. I don't really ever leave the columbus area, so it's not an issue for me.


    The Sprint cut your bill in half is only for the data portion, not your entire bill. That's very deceiving until you read the fine print.

  4. I left the evil Verizon in February and went to Sprint. We (wife & I) had the 4GB share plan, so 2GB each, and I was paying $154 a month for both lines. Switching to Sprint prepaid, we purchased our phones outright. I am on the 1GB plan for $35 per month and she is on the 3GB place for $45 per month. I'm only paying $80 per month now. :D We keep our phones for a long time, so we're not concerned with upgrading anytime soon.
  5. I just have internet through TWC. I haven't had any issues with service for the past 7 years at my current place. I just noticed my bill jumped last month, so I called to see if I can get it lower again. She said that she couldn't lower it, so I asked what my current speed is so that I can start looking to switch. It was 15/1. She tells me to hang tight for a min to see if there's anything she can do. She says that she can't lower my bill, but can *upgrade* me to 20/2 and keep my bill the same price. I agreed to do that for now, but told her that I'd still be looking around at other services. The problem is, my only other option is AT&T. I'll be watching the mail for their offers. If I can get something comparable for a lesser price, I'll switch to try it out. I feel like TWC price gouges me because they know I don't have many options.
  6. I pack the same shit every single day. I got into a habit several years ago to eat small meals every 2 hours. I eat breakfast and dinner at home. This is what I take to work:


    snack: Apple & protein bar

    lunch: banana & turkey sammich

    snack: protein drink

    snack: tuna & yogurt

  7. You're kidding right? The dealer told him to go through HIS INSURANCE for THEIR WRECK. They 100% deserve every last bit of public ridicule they've received.



    A few years ago, an aunt of mine was crashing at my place for a bit and while I was out of town for a few days, she stole my T/A, damaged it in my driveway and didn't tell me. After I put all the pieces together, and trying to get her to claim it on her insurance, her insurance company told me that because the car is mine and I have insurance on it, that I had to file with my insurance company first. Then they would go after her insurance company to recoup the loss. It sucks, but that's the way it works.

  8. I picked up the Samsung S3, she got the S5. We can't port our numbers until this coming Saturday, so we're not really using the phones. I've messed around with it some and downloaded some apps. So far, I like them a LOT more than the iPhones.


    I still need to backup our phones to iTunes so that we can use the smart switch app, so I can't say yet how well that worked.

  9. We are getting ready to switch phones and providers; moving from Verizon and iPhones to something better. The big question... we have pictures and music on our iPhones. Is it possible to move these over to non-iphone devices? I know I'd have to back them up to iTunes first. Is there an app I can put on the computer to convert them so that they'll load on a different device? Or am I over-thinking it and it's much simpler than that? Please help!!
  10. I am in the process of switching from Verizon. Bill is too expensive. $142/mo for 2 phones and 2GB of data per line. I am going to Sprint prepaid. We are buying our phones, and then the 3GB of data per line, unlimited talk/text for $45/mo each.


    I was informed that up until sometime this past fall, Sprint service was bad because they were upgrading their towers which caused several to be down at one time. They said the upgrade is complete and service is much better. So, we'll see.

  11. Got a call from DirectTv last night (actually, I got 6...fuckers). They offered me $68 a month for 12 months, free NFL Sunday Ticket for 2015 season, HBO free for 3 months and a $200 Visa gift card to stay. Wife and I talked- I think we are still going to cut. I think they're getting desperate.



    Wow. That's actually a pretty damn good deal. I'll be calling them this weekend to cut. If they offer me something relatively close to that, I might end up keeping it.

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