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Posts posted by Sully

  1. I feel like this entire thing was staged. If the post-delivery video was able to be posted, where is the pre-delivery part of the video where he claims to have explained to them the bill? People sitting at desks and ordering pizza that don't even work there. This all makes it seem like a group of people came up with an idea to scam America and start a "go fund me" account.
  2. I think he felt like he had to hold the press conference because of all the media hype and how they were blowing things up. He said the day after the NC game that he's not ready for the NFL and he said it again today. Proud of how he has grown up and proud of him for being a role model and staying in school to graduate. You don't see that much anymore. Most kids just want quick money.
  3. Sittling here drinking already and talking game with a huge group, we're putting up predictions. What are yours?


    Q1-Q2-Q3-Q4 - Final


    Ducks 14-7-14-10 = 39

    Bucks 3-10-14-17 = 44



    Am I the only one that caught this??? Go home Tim, you're drunk!!! You picked the Ducks to win.

  4. This place is a little closer, but not by much, and is amazing!! Highly recommend!





    That's how this place I was thinking of came up this morning at work. A co-worker was telling me about sumburger, then he mentioned crabills. I was going to suggest Hickie's to him, but couldn't think of the name at the time. I don't work at either job tomorrow, so might have to take a little road trip to one of these places.

  5. Probably about 10 years ago or so, an ex took me to some little burger joint in Chillicothe that served sliders, but were thousands times better than White Castle. I would like to go down there again, but cannot for the life of me, remember what the name of the place is. Anyone know the place I'm talking about?
  6. The SECPN is going to have a field day with this:





    The NCAA has way too many rules for its own good, and with an excess of rules comes some unforeseen problems. That's what has happened in preparation for this year's national championship game, as Ohio State will get a big advantage over Oregon this week, according to ESPN's Brett McMurphy:

    Because Ohio State's spring semester doesn't start until Monday, the Buckeyes are not required to adhere to the NCAA's 20-hour rule, limiting countable athletic activities to four hours a day and 20 hours a week. Oregon's academic term began this week, so the Ducks cannot exceed 20 hours, according to NCAA rules.

    That means Oregon can only do 20 hours worth of meeting, practicing, lifting, etc. this week, since the university is in session. Ohio State is not currently in session, so the Buckeyes can do whatever they want. That's usually not an issue for bowl games, since most take place during winter break, but since the championship game is so late, it could become a problem in the future.

  7. This. I'm like a bear in a cave.


    As a matter of fact, if you want to save on energy, I'm available for hire. Nobody will be more adamant about running behind you turning off lights, shutting doors, micro managing the hvac, and forcing you to live in the cold, dank, darkness.



    I'm the same way. As a matter of fact, I removed a light bulb this morning because the wife left it on all night. I've warned her a couple times that this would happen. Even though it's very bright out right now, I should be receiving a text very shortly informing me that the light isn't working.

  8. I use a sony bluray player to stream netflix. Some movies don't have any sound. Other movies, the sound cuts in and out. Other movies have no problem at all. I've been wondering if my problem is with my bluray player or if it's with netflix. With what you are experiencing, I'm now wondering if it's a nexflix problem.
  9. I REALLY hope they don't walk away. I did the dagwood challenge on December 1st, 2011 (showed my coworkers the picture today) and finished with about 45 seconds to spare. Puked in my mouth twice during it and ate my own puke, then puked in the parking lot after I got my picture taken. Ah, the memories.



    I did the challenge a few years ago. Had about 30 seconds to spare. Then stopped by DQ for a large blizzard to wash it all down. Finished that too. Good times. Good times.

  10. If you get a smoker, get one with a thermostat, if you don't go with a wood only one. Mine is basic and only 1 temp. I went that route because I didn't know if i'd enjoy doing this. Now that I know I do, I wish I'd gotten an electric one with the thermostat.
  11. I'm at home watching football. Between my 2 jobs, I have today and tomorrow off from both. I'm not doing shit. I've been drinking Miller Lite this afternoon/evening. I just switched to 151 & coke. Tomorrow, I'll have Leinenkugel's Big Butt Doppelbock (6 pack), then Miller Lite (9 cans left), then 151 & coke to finish off the night. :)
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