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Posts posted by Sully

  1. 6 years ago I bought a house with good bones, but needed updating inside. I regret it. I am still doing updates to the house. I am finally on the last room, but then have touch-ups to do throughout the entire house. It has consumed a large portion of time and money trying to "fix" what the previous owners didn't want to do.


    My advice, walk away. Do not pick up where someone else is not wanting to finish off. You're just going to inherit someone else's problems. Keep looking for something that is already finished so that you and your fiancee can spend time having fun together; not trying to finish building a house.

  2. Great thread. Everything said so very true.


    My boss has hives and makes all kinds of shit with pollen, honey, and all that. I got some propolis oil from him. Been taking that nasty shit daily for 2 weeks hoping it would help with some aches and pains. I don't think it's working.


    What all do you do with your bees?

  3. Seriously, how the hell do you 'lose' a 777? This story does not make sense and things aren't adding up.


    the plane flew around 350 miles at least after its last contact with air traffic control, although its transponder and other tracking systems were off.


    Why were those systems off?


    How do they know that 2 passports were stolen, exactly who stole them, and how the hell did they make it through security with stolen passports?


    What are your thoughts & theories?



  4. Last night was better. Kinda glad Beth was taken by someone....Got tired of her soap opera shit. Seems like everyone is going to meet in Terminus and then season will end leaving us hanging.



    They'll use all of next season to look for Beth; like they did with Sophia.

  5. Thanks for all of the suggestions. Until I can get my detached garage built (which now may be sooner than I was planning), I think I'm just going to have to rearrange stuff in my attached garage in order to store the trailer in there and be able to park in there.
  6. Open trailer. Has sides a couple feet tall.


    I thought about standing it on its end against a wall. I would need to figure out a pulley system in order to be able to do that, I think. I'm not sure that I'd be able to lift the tongue. If I was able to do that, how would I go about fastening it to a wall so that it doesn't fall down?

  7. I just picked up a small utility trailer, 4x6, over the weekend. Unfortunately, I don't really have anywhere to store it, other than my garage, which means I need to park outside. For a small trailer like this, what would be the best way to secure it outdoors? I realize that if someone really wants it, they are going to get it one way or another. I'd at least like a pretty solid way to deter someone from putting forth a lot of effort to snag it.
  8. Do you have pics of the truck? I need something to haul mulch, drywall, wood, etc on occasion and this is cheaper than a trailer. Have you tried selling this truck as is? From your description it doesn't sound like a bad truck, so I'm a bit confused as to why you're just scrapping it.
  9. I believe that is a bug. Here's a comment from the app store regarding this app:


    With each update to Apple Configurator there have been improvements, but there are times it still doesn't do what it is supposed to do. The newest option to supervise a device and still allow it to connect to other Macs is great, if only it worked. If configured this way, an error message appears when trying to connect to another Mac

  10. I really want to get better informed on the energy use in our home. I have, what should be a great set up, and I'm losing $$$ hard. I just don't know how to chase it down. So how does this unit tell you what item or area you are running the most?


    I doubt it tells you what item it is. You have to chase it down. When the power consumption is high, you begin turning things off until the consumption drops. That is how you find out what item is using all the power.

  11. I'm in IT; more-so on the hardware support side. I have an Associate in Electronics from DeVry. Been in IT jobs for 18 years now. My last job, I was the IT Tech Lead over a warehouse and a merchandising building. I was working 12 - 14 hours a day, then online for a few hours after I'd get home from work. Was on-call 24/7, and had 2 people reporting to me. I got paid well, but I was miserable. I couldn't plan anything because I never knew when I'd have to work. Now I'm a tech for Groveport Schools. There are 3 of us in the department. I work 8 hour days. It's very slow-paced. I took a pay cut, but it has been well worth it.

    I'm not sure that I want to do IT stuff the rest of my life. But, if I'm not doing this, I don't know what I would do.

  12. My wife bought me this cd for Christmas; bless her heart, she tried. Anyway, she bought it at Wal-mart, who doesn't sell albums with explicit lyrics. I wasn't paying attention when I opened it, and then discovered this is the kiddie version. Since it is opened, I can't return it. Figured I'd throw this up here to see if anyone is interested, then I'll use the funds to download it or something.



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