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Posts posted by Sully

  1. Got bored with Hill Climb Racing pretty quickly. Been playing CSR Racing a lot lately. Pretty challenging drag racing game. You have to win a shit-ton of races to build up enough money to buy aftermarket parts.
  2. I have thought a lot about what I want in a detached garage when I build one. I'm thinking 2 overhead doors. One side will have a lift. I'd like to have the ability to wash cars in the other side by closing it off when needed. Heated for winter. Large exhaust fan in the roof for summer. Loft with tv, internet, futon, kegerator.
  3. busybees-kids.com


    Doing some troubleshooting and need some help. Are you able to get to the website above from your computer? Being an IT Admin, I have full access to go to any website, but I can't pull this up on my computer. However, I can get to it on the iphone. I think it's a problem with the website, but not sure. Can someone try to pull it up from a pc and let me know?




    Results from WHOIS:


    WHOIS information for busybees-kids.com:***


    Error: Malformed requestdomainName



    When I go to a cmd prompt and ping their site by typing "ping busybees-kids.com" I get a reply:


    C:\>ping busybees-kids.com


    Pinging busybees-kids.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

    Reply from bytes=32 time=90ms TTL=115

    Reply from bytes=32 time=89ms TTL=115

    Reply from bytes=32 time=89ms TTL=115

    Reply from bytes=32 time=89ms TTL=115


    When I type "ping www.busybees-kids.com", I do not get a reply:

    C:\>ping http://www.busybees-kids.com

    Ping request could not find host http://www.busybees-kids.com. Please check the name and try again.


    When I put the IP address in the url bar, I get the following:

    This website is temporarily unavailable, please try again later.

  4. I went every single year as a kid when it was at the fairgrounds. I can't remember which building it was in, but it was huge. It was the Truck & Tractor pulls/Monster Truck show. When they moved it to Nationwide Arena, they did away with the Pulls and only do a half-ass Monster Truck show. I went a couple years, but because it got so expensive so quickly, and nowhere near as good of a show, I stopped going.


    On a side note, I took a chick to the monster truck show at nationwide arena one year that I had recently started dating. She really enjoyed the show; so much that her panties were soaked by the time we left. I got some damn good sex that night.

  5. The wife was just texting me about this place because she wants a date night. I guess you can take cooking classes together to cook food side-by-side. So, basically it's a minimum of $60 per person to cook your own damn food. Most of these classes are between $70 and $100 per person. :dumb:


    Just curious if anyone here has fallen for this scam.

  6. Kingy's Pizza is amazing, it's my favorite by far. It's about a 15min drive and totally worth it.


    Papa John's BBQ chicken pizza is my second favorite but their other pizzas/toppings are about average.


    Donato's is good if you have the munchies but I can really only eat their pepporoni pizzas.


    Romeo's is convenient because it's close and they're the only ones I know of who have an optional gluten-free crust (for the gf)


    One last thing, anyone who calls pizza a "pie" is a wannabe italian hipster faggot. Pie is pie, pizza is pizza.


    Kingy's pizza has gone downhill. You should try Roman's in Canal. They have a gluten-free option and their pizza is awesome.

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