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Posts posted by Sully

  1. Looking for a free iPhone main screen lock program. There are a ton out there. Just wanted to see what the CR community liked the best. LMK. Also, if you turn your phone off at night and turn it on in the morning, do you have to enter the code before you can view anything in it or is it immediately available at power-on?


    Basically, I want my phone to require a code at all times.

  2. I was wondering what you meant by big hole. Now I see. I sold my truck and am now looking for a trailer, but for the kind of $ you are asking, this may be worth it for hauling shit every once in a great while. But I still have to consider the maintenance cost of owning a vehicle that I might drive once a month, if less. I need to think about this and weigh my options. I may be hitting you up soon for more details.
  3. That is pretty much what the warehouse looks like that I work at. Doing the IT stuff in this building sucks ass. I wish I had a golf cart. I'm sure I walk at least 10 miles a day. By the time I get home, I'm so fucking tired that I don't want to do anything.
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