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Posts posted by Sully

  1. Look at me, I'm so hardcore I can run through mud and stuff, I'm totally not a cream puff like the rest of society. This activity sets me apart, I'm definitely a unique snowflake.:dumb:


    He asked about a simple race, not some fad race or workout. You might as well have suggested him to go do cross-fit.



    Angry much???

  2. I was fond of Blazer and Moe.


    No idea what happened to them stoped listening to the radio shortly after.


    I don't know exactly what happened, but one morning I was listening during my morning workout and Moe was on a nasty rampage about something and was pretty much telling Hal Fish off, on live air. I kept saying to myself, shut the hell up Moe, you're gonna get fired. Next thing you know, their morning show was gone. I really enjoyed listening to them too.


    I haven't listened to the new morning show much, but did hear a little bit with the brazilian fart porn or something. I was kinda laughing, but not really. I'll give them a chance, but if it still sucks after a month, they gotta go.



  3. I told my fiance 4 months ago that after we get married, I want one of these to wear most of the time, and save the expensive one she got me to wear for nice occasions. She's was very cool with that, so one of these is definitely in my future.
  4. I'm sorry would cum dumpster be better?


    404 FNF


    You are a worthless fucking piece of shit asshole. My fiance was a single mom. But guess what, she was married to her daughter's dad before she even got pregnant. Stuff happens and they ended up getting a divorce when their daughter was 2. So, in your fucked up mind, she's a slut or a cum dumpster? There are so many things I wish I could say to you right now, but I'd end up getting banned. You're not worth it, so I'll just put you on ignore.

  5. LOL. just because Me along with most guys don't wanna date a girl with kids dont mean we dont want kids. We just dont want SOMEBODY ELSES KIDS........


    I'm not sure if this was directed at me, but these are the posts I'm talking about...


    If you've never wanted kids don't bother getting involved with someone elses.
  6. I'm sitting here laughing at the people saying "If you don't want kids, don't date a girl that has a kid". I am engaged to a girl with a 7 yr old daughter. We are living together. She has custody of her daughter, but the dad gets her a couple nights a week and every other weekend. I don't have any kids, I don't want kids, and I just got snipped a week and a half ago.


    But wait, I just said I don't want kids. Why am I engaged to a girl that has a kid that lives with us most of the time? Well, the girl treats me like a king and is completely sane. We get along great; like we are best friends. The kid can do most things herself and will even help her mom out with chores. For the most part, the fiance does 99% of the parenting with her kid. I don't step in unless I see the need or she asks my opinion on something. I still interact with the kid and do things with her.


    On the other hand, forget about doing things spur of the moment. You have to plan everything out way in advance. And even then, your plans may have to fall through. For instance, one of my buddies is having his annual wine and cheese party this Saturday. It just so happened to work out that the kid is to be with her dad this weekend. Great, we can go. Last week, his shift changed for his job. He is with the OSHP. So, now he's working weekends. Awesome. Fan-fucking-tastic. Because of that, our plans just fell through, unless we can get my fiance's parents to watch the kid. With their crazy ass work schedule, it's difficult to get them to watch the kid.


    So, just because YOU don't want kids, that doesn't mean you can't date someone who has a kid. I will tell you this though, I wouldn't date a girl that has more than 1 kid.

  7. Jump on your computer, go to your online banking and read about person2person transfers. I know pnc does it and I think other banks participate too


    Just looked into this. I have 5/3 and they use Popmoney. I'll be trying this out next week.


    Thanks everyone for the replies.

  8. Set up a payment via your online bank account.


    Payments can be made electronically right into his account or by check that the bank prints and sends to him.


    What info do I need from him? I don't think many people easily give up their bank account numbers these days. I know I wouldn't.

  9. I'm sure there's a way to do it, but I don't know what the best way is. I'm hoping someone here can help.


    There is a guy that mows my yard each week. He doesn't have an actual company name or anything, he's just a guy that does general yard work and farm work for people and was referred to me by the guy that farms the land around my house. Anyway, he been mowing for me for 4 years and I've always paid him with a check each month. Now that I finally got to upgrade to the iPhone 4s, I was wondering if there is an app or an easier way to pay this guy without having to write a check.


    I noticed there's a Paypal app for the iPhone, but are there still fees involved when sending money? If so, who pays those fees, the person sending the money or receiving the money?


    Not only that, but my fiance and I are splitting bills and she is going to be giving me money each month. No, we are not getting joint accounts. I don't believe in doing that. I have my reasons.


    So, what's the best and easiest way to send money to someone without having to write out a check?

  10. The lid and front plate cover were on my 99 T/A when I bought it. I bought the console from someone on LS1 Tech to have as a spare if I ever needed it. Obviously, I didn't. Since I sold the car, I no longer need these. Looking for quick sale on all items. I want these gone quickly.


    Console = Sold

    Front Plate Cover = Sold


    Still have the stock lid. Make an offer.




    Stock lid - $20 OBO


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