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Posts posted by Sully

  1. I bought my Trans Am 6 years ago and thought I'd have it for a long time. I put 10K miles on it over the past 6 years. I have been remodeling my house the past 4 years, so all my money has been going to it instead of the car. Things change, priorities change, life happens. I realized I'm not going to have extra money to put into the car for a long time, so I sold it 2 weekends ago for $500 less than I paid for it. In the end, it's just a car. I suppose I'll get something else in a few years, but for now, I have to focus on my house.
  2. Browsing the Free section on CL and saw this.


    Thieves :dumb:




    To the idiot who pulled up to my house at 3:37 on 3/14 and decided to walk around my front porch and take whatever they wanted. You took my new work boots, my 3.5 ton floor jack, and a bag of aluminum cans. Guess what. I got you on video you idiot. Your silver 4 door grand prix GT, your cheap black sunglasses, slightly overweight, greyish colored ball cap. I got it all on video. I will be sendign the video to the news crews tonight as well. I will also be turning this video over to he RPD tonight at 7:00pm. If my Jack shows back up before then, this video will make it to the recycle bin. Otherwise, I would expect a visit from the RPD sometime soon. I got you you bastard!
  3. Congrats!


    I'm working toward that goal with my home equity loan. Only $11K more to go. If get this raise at work that I'm hoping to get next month, I should have it paid off by the end of this year. (That's my only debt, other than my house.)

  4. I just use everclear, apple juice, and cinnamon sticks when I make mine. I dump a gallon of apple juice in a big pot and put about 7 or so cinnamon sticks in it. I let that boil for about 20 minutes, then let it cool. I remove the cinnamon sticks and put the juice back in it's original bottle and then fill it up with everclear (however much apple juice boiled off). The stuff tastes like apple cinnamon candy, but will mess you up quick.
  5. Because the writers probably forgot it happened...lol.


    My thought is that he didn't want to shove a knife through Shane's brain, but if/when he came back as a zombie, he would have no problem doing it then. Glad to see that Carl's balls have finally dropped and blew zombie shane's brains out.

  6. Has anyone ever purchased a DIY Spray Foam kit? If so, where did you get it? How well did it work? Would it make more sense to just have a company do it?


    I'm wanting to spray foam 91 linear feet of rim joist on the west and south walls of my house. I got a quote today from Basement Dr. They want $1,750 to do it. I think this could be a simple 1/2 day project I could do myself. I just don't know where to get the stuff. Any help/advice is appreciated.

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