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Posts posted by Sully

  1. How are you suppose to get supervisor or manager experience if no one will give you a chance? Looking through jobs, I see one that I'm very interested in, but then at the bottom it will say something to the effect of "Required: 5+ years management experience". WTF?? :fuuuu:


    Where I'm at, it's a dead-end job, so there's no chance of getting any of that experience here. :fuuuu::fuuuu::fuuuu:

  2. Fantasy Cupcake is my wifes place! Our most popular would have to be between Buckeye (she made the buckeye candy filling into a frosting), Red Velvet, Salted Caramel (MY Favorite) and Wedding Cake. I will say a few weeks ago i finally tried the snickerdoodle and the shit is goooooood! its like a cinnamon roll! but after looking at the analytics they all sell pretty close to the same.


    Also the place up in Worthington, Blue Frost, makes a really good Blue Velvet and their Irish Car Bomb tasted just like the real thing!


    If you ever come into her place and there is a guy working, thats me so let me know who you are and your from CR and ill give you employee discount!


    The fiance and I stop in there quite often. The last time we stopped in there, I told her that I knew you from CR. We're having her do Wedding Cakepops for us to send to Lake Tahoe for our wedding in June. Hook me up mang!

  3. I think there's a huge liability issue with that. What if someone wrecks while driving your car and claims the brakes failed, or the throttle stuck, and got seriously injured? I'd think you would be responsible for that and they could sue the hell out of you, I would think. Maybe not. I don't know. It would require more research.
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