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Posts posted by Sully

  1. any brazilian steakhouse typically has a fantastic salad bar. not sure if they still have a brazilian in columbus.


    Very true. But unfortunately, we no longer have a brazilian steakhouse in cbus. There used to be one at Crossroads, but I believe it was shut down due to health violations. I think the closest one is in Cincy now.

  2. Long story short, our ADT security system that was installed in October by some company out of Akron fubar'd our contract, cancelled our service and didn't tell us. I am looking for a local ADT authorized dealer. I would like to know who you use and why you recommend them.
  3. I'm still waiting to go through the process on my house. I filed the paperwork last year. They had scheduled me for mid-december, but I couldn't make it because of work. I told them to reschedule me. They said they would contact me when they have a new date/time. I have yet to hear anything. Maybe I should call them to see what's up.
  4. This is nothing new and why manufacturers have been putting locks on tailgates for several years. Obviously, if someone wants it bad enough, they are going to get it one way or another. As the saying goes "Locks only keep honest people honest". But, at least a lock will help deter someone from taking it.
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