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Everything posted by Sully

  1. My fiance and I, a buddy and his wife, another buddy and his g/f are going. We all got VIP tickets. I also booked a room at the Hilton for the fiance and I. Gonna be a fun time.
  2. What website(s) do you use to gather vehicle specs for older vehicles (early 2000's)? I'm trying to find a site that will tell me average mpg, whether it's fwd/rwd/awd, power, braking, handling, all that fun stuff. It seems I'm only getting bits and pieces from each site I look at. I know there has to be a great site for this, and I'm sure I've used it before, but I'm having a major brain-fart today and can't think.
  3. Sully

    Sad day for BBQ

    Nothing up here is real BBQ. If you want the good stuff, head south. I've been to Memphis, Charlotte, and Dallas a few times for work. I gorge myself with BBQ when I'm at those places. The stuff is absolutely amazing! A few days after I'm home from those trips, I start craving BBQ, head to City BBQ, Hoggy's, or whatever and it all takes like shit. BBQ in Ohio... I am disappoint.
  4. They made an 8" birthday bacon donut for someone. OMG. So much want! http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/403162_232561790153004_133026546773196_524543_1545863129_n.jpg
  5. I'm good with that and the temps can stay just like they were today for the rest of winter.
  6. Fixed that for ya! Tim, where did you find these???
  7. Funny you said that. At first I thought it was a vid with the honey badger dude doing a voice-over. LoL.
  8. I keep a Brita bottle at my desk. I'm not sure if the water here has particles, but it does taste a little weird. This works for me. http://www.brita.com/products/filtering-bottle/brita-bottle/
  9. I was downtown this morning. There were police, firetrucks, ambulances, etc absolutely everywhere around the Scioto near Broad St, Main St, COSI, Vet's, Civic Center Dr. Anyone know what was going on? This was all I could find. http://www.10tv.com/content/stories/2012/01/05/columbus-main-street-bridge-closed-police.html
  10. Looks awesome dude. I'm planning on fixing my garage up this summer. Doubt it will look that cool. It'll just look much better than it does now. LoL.
  11. I got these from art.com. I'm not sure who took them or who these ladies are. I'll take a closer look and see if I can find some names.
  12. According to the Oxford Dictionary, you are right. I just say that it's not a vowel because that is what I was taught in grade school.
  13. FAIL. There's only 1 vowel in "boys".
  14. You guys crack me up. LoL! I never said it was a home defense shotgun nor said that is what it's going to be used for. Actually, that's my CCW gun. :lolguy::dumb: Srsly though, it'll be used for the racoons and groundhogs that live in the barn behind my house, and I'd like to go hunting sometime. Never done it, but would like to see what it's like. My uncle was suppose to take me hunting when I was in my late teens/early 20's, but he passed away too soon.
  15. What about a display case with unbreakable glass? Are those available? Or, what if there was a way to secure them inside the glass case if someone was to break the glass? I plan on putting them in some sort of case in my basement where no one can see in the house and it's a low-traffic area, so I'm leaning toward a glass case.
  16. I now have 5 shotguns, so I think it's time for a cabinet. Now, the question is whether I should get a glass cabinet with lock so that I can display them, or get a combination lock safe. I'd like your thoughts of each and suggestions as to what I should get.
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