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Everything posted by Sully

  1. I got your pm. Thanks. I'll let you know what I decide to do. If he's going to hang around, I may just keep him as an outside dog for now.
  2. My neighbor brought over some dog food for him. He (neighbor) came in through the back door so as to not approach the dog. I put some food in a bowl and put it out with my hand and even petted him on the back of the neck while he was eating.
  3. I emailed them. They are not accepting any new dogs at this time. This seems to be the response I'm getting from everyone. I've left voicemails at 4 or 5 places now. No one has called back. When leaving a message, I have even asked for them to call me back to just help give me some direction.
  4. I placed an ad on CL and on petfbi.org last night. I received a couple emails from people on CL saying they would take him in.
  5. I don't have much food here. All that I have is some cooked chicken that I made for lunch this week and some bread. I am going to give him some bread. I'm not sure how he would do with cooked chicken.
  6. Well, he slept on my front porch all night, right on my door mat. I think someone dropped him off in front of my house last night and since I gave him some water, he's not leaving now. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to take him in, but I travel quite a bit for work, and will be gone two weeks in July.
  7. I would have no problem letting him in the garage if my car wasn't in there. I don't know if he would try to eat it or scratch it. If I was to back the car out, that would mean that I would be exposed to him in the open. Like I said before, he seems friendly, but scared as well. I have no clue if he would be so scared that he would attack me. I'm not willing to take that chance. This dude has some big ass chompers.
  8. I'm sitting here watching tv with my front door open. I hear a sound at the screen door. I get up, turn the light on and there is a pitbull sitting on my door mat. He's beautiful. Brownish greyish in color with a white patch on his chest. No collar. Appears to be friendly. I gave him some water. He knows sit. There is a small scrape above his left eye, one on his front right elbow, and one on his rear right paw. They are not bleeding at this time, but look fairly fresh. I don't want to bring him in the house because I don't know how he'll react. I have no clue if he has fleas or if he'll bite. He really wants inside though. He seems scared. What should I do? There's quite a bit of traffic by my house. I'm afraid he'll get hit by a car. I don't want to call the Franklin County dog shelter because they'll just put him down.
  9. http://i50.tinypic.com/2hqedcj.jpg
  10. http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f243/nearo21/funny/mjdead.jpg
  11. http://cache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/4/2010/06/500x_comicip.jpg
  12. Sully

    Insight sucks!

    My home phone is mainly for my security system. I also use it to call family out of state so that I don't use my cell phone minutes.
  13. I thought that too, but that is an 8' table that's sitting there now. It's taking up a lot of real estate, which is why I'm getting rid of it.
  14. Must be. The sidewalk is 3' wide.
  15. Word! I like how you think!
  16. Thanks. I like not having neighbors. I could sit on the patio nekkid if I wanted.
  17. Sully

    Insight sucks!

    That was happening to me as well as the 'all circuits are busy' message, but should be able to get through now. I was just curious if it's possible to get a credit for that outage.
  18. Sully

    Insight sucks!

    Can't you call and complain and get a credit for not having cable for that length of time?
  19. No. I didn't do it. Broke out the checkbook to have it done. I just didn't have the time. Anyway... Before: http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii316/OsuSully/House/Patio/Patio002.jpg After: http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii316/OsuSully/House/Patio/Patio022.jpg http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii316/OsuSully/House/Patio/Patio021.jpg http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii316/OsuSully/House/Patio/Patio025.jpg The lattice is there as a windbreaker. I'm going to plant some viney plants that will completely cover it to also help block more wind and I'm going to put my grill up against it in the center. I'm selling the picnic table and picking up a nice patio set. I already have a firepit that will go on the patio. I chose not to have one installed in the patio so that I can move it around. In the flowerbed type areas, I'm going to put weed barrier down and back-fill with gravel.
  20. http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/262/2911l.jpg
  21. Sully

    Eminem - Recovery

    ok. newb to rar files question. downloaded the file. now what do i do with it?
  22. You know how when you see someone else yawn, it makes you yawn... well, watching this made my nuts itch! HAHA!!
  23. http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p37/martin_shana26/FunnyFathersday08/fathers.jpg
  24. Sully

    Insight sucks!

    My home phone is still down.
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