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Everything posted by Sully

  1. Same thing happened to me back in February. I called, complained, person wasn't helpful. Next day, I called back, complained, different person wasn't helpful. Waited another day or two, called back, got someone different who helped me drop my bill by $20 or $25 per month. I basically told them that if they can't help me out, I'm going to change my home phone to SBC, cancel internet, and switch to DirecTV. Once they realized that I infact do have other options, they helped. Oh, and just be polite. Don't be an ass or they won't help.
  2. It's already in the Pics & Vids section.
  3. Holy shit! I don't think I've ever seen a car explode like that.
  4. Sully

    Blacklick area folks

    I'm guessing gas station. However, when I went by it the other day, I was thinking how much money could be made if someone was to put a Starbucks there.
  5. HA! Saturday night, I was headed out to the west side. I was on 70W coming up on Wilson Rd exit. Traffic was at a stand-still and I saw a police car on the side of the road. I figured it was an accident, but I was wrong. I finally get up there and the cop had to stop traffic to fetch both left side wheels from the middle of the road for one of these things. The car was leaning so far over that a decent breeze could have blown it all the way over. That was the hardest I have laughed this year.
  6. I have 3/4 of an acre. I pay someone to cut mine. He mows once a week and I pay him $30. I don't mind cutting grass, but just don't want to take the time out of my day to do it. Plus there's maintenance on the mower, gas, etc.
  7. I wonder how many of those sammiches I could put down..if they existed.
  8. I keep forgetting to measure my garage window as well.
  9. I have no idea what song that is.
  10. Sully


    I am pumped. But, I think I'll have to work the evening/night of 9/2. I am doing everything I can to get out of it. Not having much luck though. I'm extremely pissed too because a buddy has a ticket waiting for me.
  11. That is a badass truck. Those tires look too small though. If I didn't already have a truck, I'd get this one for sure. Looks like quite a bit of time and money was put into it. Too bad he has to sell it. Tell him GLWS.
  12. Pam's nips looked good under the light.
  13. http://www.eatliver.com/img/2010/6076.jpg
  14. If I could swing a car payment right now, I'd have a 6.2L V8 on order. Matched with a 6 spd auto....so much want. Although, I hope I'm in a much better financial situation if/when they release a diesel f150. That, I will have.
  15. Or was it a porch that looked like this one?
  16. Still not willing to sell them individually yet?
  17. The plugs in 3 & 7 were bad (cracked). Also the terminal nut on both of those plugs backed off a bit from engine vibration, which caused them to spark and possibly ruin the COPS. They suggested that I leave the new COPS installed and not put my originals back in. The service writer initially told me today that they would charge me for 2 new plugs and not charge me any labor. Total of $40. I was cool with that. The service tech and I went for a test drive after he was done. Truck runs great. We get back to the dealership and the service writer hands me a bill for $18.78. Sweet! They hooked me up today.
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