I'm not sure/aware of them losing money/stock/users because of Alex Jones. I know Facebook is losing users because it's a lame platform, that is easily used to influence people using fake news and used only by "old people" (by teenager standards).
It's easy to identify what porn/nudity is, it's something everyone can agree on. You post nudity - you get banned. Now when it comes to political/social believes, it's not quite so cut and dry.
The left will post up videos on how there are an infinite amount of genders out there and if you assume someone's gender it should be considered assault or go on rants about white/male/white-male privilege, all just as crazy and probably more dangerous believes to be spreading around as anything Alex Jones has ever said. Now if the right makes a video to argue against any of these things, or post their crazy believes of lizard people and god knows what else, they get demonetized or banned.
I notice a bias, and it's wrong.